7 thoughts on “GASPS As IRS Commissioner Admits Missing Lois Lerner Hard Drive Was Melted Down

  1. Had no idea scrap metal was that valuable.

    Apparently, the so-called ‘government’ must be trying to boost the economy by recycling.

  2. GASP! I never in a million years thought the government or the non government entity located in Puerto Rico, that is not part of the government of the US, that is a collection agency for the illegal federal reserve, that pretends they have the right to tax our labor, even though the 16th article was never ratified by all 50 states, would ever lie about lost, ahem destroyed emails, to cover, cough, their criminal acts. After all, these decent people would never lie, jail innocent people and steal our money. They love us! GASP! These weasels walk, smirk, lie, and get away with it everyday! Meanwhile, my husband is in a cage for knowing the truth! Grrr!!!!!!

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