4 thoughts on “GBN Exclusive: ‘What we’ve seen, I’m afraid, is the re-emergence of antisemitism’

  1. Maybe if they stopped all the “semitism” that’s been going on for hundreds (thousands?) of years there would be no anti-“semitism”!

  2. The Jews know why they are hated, and they don’t care more than enough to silence
    their opposition to their murderous crimes against the Goyim so they can continue to
    prey on the cattle (goyim means cattle).
    Anti-Semitism is totally justified in truth, a fact that has been verified by the disgusting
    Jews themselves.
    Good people, moral people, ethical people are Anti-Semitic. Only the degenerates,
    criminals and creeps are not.
    The Jews are robbing us, raping us and killing us in the name of the racial drive of
    Jewishness. So Anti-Semitism is the only solution to Jewish pollution.
    Only by Anti-Semitism will there ever be Justice for the world.

    1. The tricky part is that they use “semitism” in the first place. I understand that “semite” refers to 20 plus groups of people in a region of the world that speak semitic languages of which jews are but 1. It should really just be “anti-jew”. They always hide among others – deceit is their main survival instinct.

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