8 thoughts on “Good Point

  1. My Fellow Patriots:

    Some other good reponses might have been:

    Traitor Chuck Smuck:

    Q: “Can you tell me why you feel you need a 30 round magazine?”

    Other Possible Answers:

    – “Because there are no 40 round mags available”

    – “Because treasonous filth like you are trying to take them away”

    – “Because I said so”

    – “So when your commie traitors coming to the American people to slaughter them,… as EVERY other treasonous gov’t has done to its own citizens,… we can defend ourselves”

    – “Just because it pisses slime like you off”

    – “When your commie friends coming looking for a fight,… they will get one”

    – “Well,.. I could tell you,.. but its NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!”

    – “Because my UNALEINABLE RIGHT, as ABSOLUTELY GURANTEED BY THE BILL OF RIGHTS, 2nd Amendment in particular,.. which you have clearly never heard of.”

    Thats just a few of the other reposnes that would have been just as justified.

    JD – US Marines – The commies want to take away your Right To Defend Yourself,.. not any law abidding (Constitution abidding) American.

    1. Hey JD i like “Because my UNALEINABLE RIGHT, as ABSOLUTELY GURANTEED BY THE BILL OF RIGHTS, 2nd Amendment in particular,.. which you have clearly never heard of.” the best of all.

    2. Possible response: “Which part of Shall not be infringed are you having a problem understanding”?

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