Google Putting CNN, Washington Post, NYT In Charge Of Fact-Checking News

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: So now the mainstream media will become the authority for thought. This is an obvious move to label the alternative media as false news. Everyone who plays the facebook and twitter game should be sharing this with their family and friends in outrage. Never, ever let someone else do your thinking for you. We do not need someone to tell us what is true or not. The mainstream media constantly lies to the public and puts forward false narratives like what we see taking place in Syria today.

This, of course, begs the question: Who are the fact-checkers?

Anyone can volunteer to be one, says Google, cautioning that “Only publishers that are algorithmically determined to be an authoritative source of information will qualify for inclusion.”

Currently, the growing list of 115 organizations includes the likes of CNN, The Washington Post, NBC, CBS, and The New York Times, to name a few.

Source: Google Putting CNN, Washington Post, NYT in Charge of Fact-Checking News

World Events and the Bible

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