Watchmen News – by Valerie Love
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo believes in tough love. Tough as in, he’ll do the loving and compassion his way and if you don’t agree with it voluntarily, then tough on you as you will be arrested or involuntary transferred to a psychiatric hospital for an evaluation.
The compassionate, loving governor signed an executive order to remove homeless people off the streets when the temps dip below 32 degrees and place them into homeless shelters. According to the New York Times:
The governor’s order says that to protect public safety, “the state can take appropriate steps, including involuntary placement.”
“It’s about love. It’s about compassion. It’s about helping one another and basic human decency,” Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, told NY1. …
Zachary W. Carter, Mr. de Blasio’s corporation counsel, said in an internal city document that there were three ways to remove people from the street: voluntary entrance into shelter; arrest if a crime was being committed; and involuntary transfer for psychiatric evaluation or treatment if they posed a danger to themselves or others.
“Factors that do not support involuntary treatment include homelessness or mental illness alone; idiosyncratic behavior; conclusory assertions that person poses danger; mere fact that person would benefit from treatment,” the document said.
With temperatures expected to drop below 30 degrees tomorrow, homeless people should be on the lookout for those vans coming to pick them up. Sounds like the dog catchers are after them, does it not? Of course the city cutely refer to the dog catchers as a Code Blue situation, according to the New York Times:
New York City’s current policy when temperatures drop to freezing, known as Code Blue, is to increase the number of vans checking for homeless people on the streets and to allow them to forgo the usual intake procedure at shelters and other facilities. In compliance with the Mental Hygiene Law, the city also takes people to hospitals for mental health evaluation if they appear to be in imminent danger.
Mental Hygiene Law? Yes, from the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene where they have New York State Office of Mental Health Police.
So the OMH Police will be driving vans around that will lovingly snatch up all the homeless they can get their hands on. Nothing creepy about being grabbed off the street and stuffed in a van…
Thomas J. Main, a professor at the School of Public Affairs at Baruch College who studies homelessness, said the order raised administrative challenges. “We’re talking about scooping people up who might be resistant,” he said. “And then what are you going to do? Restrain them at the shelter?” (New York Times)
Yes, then what are you going to do, Gov. Cuomo? Warm and fuzzy handcuffs? Hugs all around?
Love, compassion, BS, and possibly murder.
At least one homeless shelter volunteer has said homeless people seem to be disappearing. (regular food customers stopped returning for meals)
In today’s climate of encroaching communism, it wouldn’t surprise me if NYC has devised a “final solution” to homelessness that will get them off the streets for good, because they ever seemed worried about them in the past, and I seriously doubt that they’ve developed any concern for them recently.
“… it wouldn’t surprise me if NYC has devised a “final solution” to homelessness…”
I’ve held that belief for some time now, JR.