Grab Your Pitchforks, America, Your 401(K) May Need Defending From Congress

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: So now the government wants to come after what little bit you have left. Yes, the Republican and Democrat vermin that you voted for. “Make American Great Again” went out with a whimper, as the sound of a ballon slowly releasing the air.

Government officials receive fantastic benefits, but apparently you are keeping too much of the money you earned and they want a bigger cut. Tax cuts? Give me a break. Remember, 40% of you have saved nothing for retirement and they want even more.

The lucky participants in one of the best retirement plans around are coming after yours with a meat cleaver. In the early stages of negotiating tax reform, Congress is already considering whether to reduce the benefits of contributing to a 401(k) and similar retirement plans — even as U.S. representatives and senators bask in the…

Source: Grab Your Pitchforks, America, Your 401(K) May Need Defending from Congress – MoneyBeat – WSJ

World Events and the Bible

9 thoughts on “Grab Your Pitchforks, America, Your 401(K) May Need Defending From Congress

  1. Need to pay to read this article, from what I saw on the WSJ blog…you have to pay to read on a BLOG? Good grief the Miami Herald doesn’t even do this!

  2. I went over to World Events and The Bible, Brandon Wards site. I listened to his video “Discussion around the MOAB strike on Isis ” located on the right upper side of his site.
    In the video he says God picks all leaders, Trump, Obama, Busch, Hussein, all leaders to fulfill Gods plans.
    But he says get out the pitch forks they’re coming for your 401K’s.
    I’m completely sick and tired of retards slapping God all over things to make those blatant acts somehow justifiable.
    Why get out pitchforks?! If God puts all leaders in power to fulfill His will, then it’s obvious it’s Gods will for those leaders to take your money, right.
    So if you do something to guard against this theft then are you not usurping Gods will?
    Good gravy, absolutely retarded in this particular area which is most basic, therefore, all he says outside of “the grass is green”, “the sun puts out heat,” etc.. oh, and something directly from the bible without your interpretation, will be forever suspect.

      1. Good point Katie and I often have to reconfigure my thinking because I am of the “God is in control” mindset so Brandon’s stuff makes sense–but you and Koyote are correct–God gives us what we deserve! And we do deserve God’s wrath for allowing this nonsense–ignorance is no excuse. Yep, like I’ve said on here before–the time for complaining is over and instead of the ballot box we need the other kind–you know what I mean.

        1. I never could, and still can’t, understand people who live in a “God Bubble”. We use to call it that. It’s like they are in an all protecting bubble, with no common sense. No matter what they do, God is in control and they are protected in that bubble.

        2. “The Gods in control” cannot be found in the scriptures.
          Question should be, which God?

          This defies all logic and common sense.

          This puts the one true God as responsible for all destructive as well as good/blessings things that happen.

          If this were the case in this country, may as well get rid of any representative govt. all together, as we have no choice as to who gets elected (weird to even speak of this as it is all messed up, but hopefully the idea is conveyed none the less) because God puts rulers there, so a dictatorship, patriarchy, kingdom, etc. should suffice.

          It will be the consequences of our own lack of action to stop these criminals, just as one would stop some thug from busting into their home and stealing their personal goods, this is just on a much larger scale.

          Not Gods wrath, just our own lack of action reaping its fruit.

  3. They already stole my 401k in 2008.
    Plus about 130k in the equity in my house.
    So at this point I’m not going to stress out to much.
    But yes Katie you do make some very good points.

    There were many Gods.

    Some call them myths and legends.

    But they are not the Prime Creator or First Cause of creation.

    I would personally refer to call them malevolent and benevolent. ..mind parasites.

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