2 thoughts on “Grandpa Tell Me Bout The Good Old Days

  1. I’ll tell you about the good old days, Honey.

    Long ago people lived in peace, harmony, happiness, and abundance, because there were no “Chosen people” around to stir up trouble and steal everything.

    Then along came the race of parasites who refused to do any work, because they decided they could get along by lying to everyone, starting fights, and stealing everything that wasn’t bolted down.

    They roamed the Earth, moving from one country to the next, because the only way people could enjoy lives of decency and peace was by throwing the worthless parasites out of their country, but unfortunately, because these countries were comprised of decent, trusting people, they never realized how destructive the parasites were until it was too late, and the nation was destroyed.

    Onward the Jews went, from nation to nation, until they arrived in the USA, which nation they’re destroying right now, because they believe everything should be destroyed if necessary, as long as it makes them another stinking penny.

    And that’s the main problem with Satan’s Chosen people. They don’t appreciate beauty, art, humanity, or any of the things that humans live for. The Jews only care about money, so everything in their path gets destroyed so they can put another stinking penny on their pile of pennies that’s so big they’ll never be able to spend them.

    They don’t buy anything nice with their money, and they never spend it on worthy causes. They just pile it up higher and higher, because it’s all they care about. They grow the root of all evil, and it’s all that’s important to them, because they epitomize evil themselves.

    And the moral of the story, Honey, is that you have to learn from the mistakes of a hundred other countries, and never let Jews reside in the country you live in.

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