HAARP Array ReOpened In Southern California Desert By Private Group

Before It’s News – by Weather Feed

HAARP was said to have closed in Alaska, but a group of scientists that have a facility in the Southern California desert are attempting to carry on experiments that the Alaskan Facility did.  The location is private and will not be disclosed, however their goal is to generate weather and earthquake events, giving you an agenda ahead of time so that you can prepare.  Yes, they are going to be heating up the upper atmosphere in order to move the jet stream into position.  They will tell you our plan ahead of time and each map will show where they are targeting at the moment.  

They understand that you might be upset that they are doing this, but for research purposes only they must continue the research of whether the jet stream can be controlled

In order for you to remain informed of their experiments ahead of time, please go to their App or email system page by clicking here and freely signing up.

Thank you for your interest in the array and atmospheric study in the Southern California Desert.

The main site can be viewed by clicking here – to keep tabs on the project experiments.  This isonly in the United States since the array is smallar than the Alaskan array.


4 thoughts on “HAARP Array ReOpened In Southern California Desert By Private Group

  1. HAARP uses radio – and radio transmitters are subject to licensing under Federal Law through the FCC. The license requirements mandate that the transmitter location be disclosed to the FCC, and the license data – like the place where it is – is made public. Thus location in desert is not secret, unless, of course, it’s not licensed…

  2. “…a group of scientists that have a facility in the Southern California desert are attempting to carry on experiments that the Alaskan Facility did.”


    Whatever they’re doing, it’s NOT experimenting. They’ve had HAARP technology since the 80s. They know full well by now the extent of its capabilities.

  3. This is why california is burning to the ground plus Australia is worlds leading harrp researches in the world . and thats why Australia burned to the ground last year . Australia is wear the usa weather patterns start . not to metion antifa and blm and chinese starting fires in the west . terrisiom. Get it together america . divide and conquer. Watch out for the chinese un so called peace keepers in the usa montains. Canada has been allowing chinese and russian and un peacekeeping troops to build miltary bases along us northern boarder. Not to metion mexico . stay frosty and bolo. May god bless usa . wait until they turn antennas. Towards the ground and hit falt lines . major earthquakes. Dont forget obama sold the state of Idaho to chinese in 2012. I hope the chinese werent able to bring in threr portable harrp system they have been working on . as Idaho southern sit on many falt lines. I wont even get into the tunnel boring there doing under usa and boarders . look up unexplained trumpet sounds and underground explosions in usa and around the wourld . rev. I saw to huge beast rise up out of the ground and they spoke like the dragon . there under us . bolo. Thanks i have so much more .

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