7 thoughts on “Happy Hump Day!

  1. Happy hump day Digger!

    I really wish people would not give the Satanic hand signal. Don’t they know what they’re doing?
    . . .

  2. Happy hump day digger!! Cathleen you are right, but I don’t think they know. Now that I have a picture n my head of camels doing it. Gross!!!!

  3. My Fellow Americans:

    OOhhhh,… and here I was thinking that Obama didn’t care about the troops!!!,…

    And there, he and mongrel wife, Michelle,… are having sex while the soldiers take a picture!

    How adorable.

    JD – US Marines – Who says the Obama’s don’t love each other???,.. there they are sharing an intimate moment for the whole world to see like the true pyscho-paths that they are.

      1. Hi NC,

        Well,.. you do have a legitimate point there!

        After all,.. if I was really given the choice of electing Obama,… or any of the current people in congress (who are ALL traitors) vs a camel,.. I would vote for the camel everytime!

        JD – My apologies to camels everywhere!

  4. Every time I see a camel in the desert, I start thinking of that scene in the movie, “Jewel of the Nile”, where Danny Devito gets his face stuck under a camel’s ass when he was trying to push it away in order to hide from the bad guys. Classic. 😆

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