Harris praises Australia’s massive gun confiscation: “Let us be clear, it does not have to be this way, as our friends in Australia have demonstrated.”

2 thoughts on “Harris praises Australia’s massive gun confiscation: “Let us be clear, it does not have to be this way, as our friends in Australia have demonstrated.”

  1. Never let a good crisp go to waste. With the new one in New Jersey, I’m surprised they haven’t jumped on it yet. We had one at the State fair in Dallas, TX a week ago and no news was on it. Funny how they pick and choose their shootings according to their agenda.

    Also, what’s with this “Biden/Harris” administration thing again? We have two presidents? Who’s in charge? Biden or Harris?

    This government in occupation has become so Chinese Commie corrupt that it’s come to the point that even if you wanted to do something, you don’t know who to go after or put the blame on because they are all equally corrupt and as bad as the other. Like Henry says, “All of them need to be arrested and replaced right down to the meter maid”.

  2. who gives a fck what Australia does? , this and her intent is to violate OUR Bill of Rights Here .. and that is Treason

    and last I checked she doesn’t have EO abilities , and even if she did , this act would be repugnant to said BoR
    so saying that < no One has a Duty to Comply .. it really does come down to a simple NO or civil disobedience .. or in my case a to her a Fck you

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