‘Hello Racist’ Website Launched To Expose Alleged Racists On The Internet

Breitbart – by Ben Kew

A new website has been launched in order to anonymously expose alleged “racists” to the mobs of the internet.

The site, called Hello Racist!, is designed so in order to “expose racism, fight ignorance and be the place where people of all races, religion, and political beliefs can share their stories.”  

Users who see a racist post on social media can upload a screenshot or link to the website, where people can consequently rate the level of racism and exposed and leave a comment to express their thoughts.

Examples of some of the racism exposed include people who have referred to Obama as an “ass wipe monkey,” and references to white people supposedly being the real victims of slavery.

Talking to the Huffington Post, the founder, who wished to remain anonymous, said that “there are still so many people and segments of society who are still stuck in a place where, for whatever reason, be it hate, ignorance, how they were raised, where they live, etc., racism is still acceptable behavior.”

“It’s still systematically a part of some people’s cultures, lives, and mindset,” they said, adding that the culprits must be “confronted with their actions.”

When asked if the method would lead to effective change in people’s attitude, they said that people would become “ashamed and embarrassed,” but would ultimately “learn not to do it again.”

The founder said they wished to remain anonymous due to credible threats of violence and the threatening legal action.

You can follow Ben Kew on Facebook, on Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at ben@yiannopoulos.net.


9 thoughts on “‘Hello Racist’ Website Launched To Expose Alleged Racists On The Internet

  1. So..
    whats the big deal?
    Its not Illegal to be a racist .. hell according to our government its not illegal to be a traitor, or to break a sh*t load of federal laws , or to be a member of our government and have an unsecured email account and lie about it under oath etc.. etc.. … so whats the big deal again about being a racist? Nothing ,, not a dam thing ..

    according to the Feds and our AG.. there are no more laws for any of us .. we are currently living in WROL.. Im taking the Hilary course on how to buy up a boat load of guns and not file 1 dam government paper on them .. why not eh? No laws to break any more as we dont have any

    have a blast out there ya hear ?

  2. ” The founder said they wished to remain anonymous due to credible threats of violence and the threatening legal action. ”

    The founder(s) wouldn’t happen to have a -stein or -burg at the end of their names, would they?
    Oy! Oy! Oy! Oy! My Bulgarian baby! Oy! Oy! Oy! Oy! Oy! Oy!

  3. Now I have another task at hand, I want to be the first kid on my block, to get his name on this list!!!

    Damn it!!! So many lists, so little time.

  4. If that “racist” site is to have any credibility they must have Øbama’s name – he is the biggest racist in the US.

  5. Can I put Bennie Netanyahoo’s name on that site? He’s the biggest racist of them all. He hates anyone who’s not a Zionist Jew.

    If I do, would I get a counter-racist action on me, saying I was an anti-semite? How would that work then?

    I can only see this site backfiring on them and yes, I see this as another Mark Zuckerberg creation. It wouldn’t surprise me. That treasonous, Zionist Jew piece of trash ought to be hung.

    1. ” I can only see this site backfiring on them and yes, I see this as another Mark Zuckerberg creation. It wouldn’t surprise me. That treasonous, Zionist Jew piece of trash ought to be hung. ”

      SHALL be hanged! ……………’Nuff said!!

  6. “… where people can consequently rate the level of racism and exposed and leave a comment to express their thoughts.”

    As long as they don’t out the stinking jews for it. Instant blackball (hmmm… is that racist too?) if you do.

    Have to admit, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title was “Hello Kitty”. 🙄

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