7 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton: Need ban on assault rifles

  1. First they label them “assault weapons”, now they are “automatic weapons”????????? Next they will be called weapons of mass destruction.

  2. My Fellow Americans:

    This miserable,… GOD FORESAKEN,….. Flea-bitten F’n D*uchbag,…. THE BUTCHER OF BENGHAZI,… has the audacity to say ANYTHING when IT,… should be serving a life sentence in a SupraMax Prison for her role in the assassination of US Ambassador????

    She is partially right,… we need to ban something alright,… WE NEED TO BAN COMMUNISTS FROM THIS COUNTRY!!!!,.. Period!

    HEY,.. FBI!!!,… DHS!!!,… TSA!!!!,.. CIA!!!,.. Secret Sercvice!!!! HOW COME YOU HAVE NOT ARRESTED,… “The Butcher Of Benghazi”,.. this fraud, this criminal,.. this Global Criminal,… Hillary Clinton yet??!!!!

    JD – Hilllary Clinton is,.. “The Butcher Of Benghazi”.

    1. How come the above mentioned groups have not arrest that vile bitch you ask,its really very simple. They are all in on this treason and are supporting it at every turn and feeding at the trough like the pig bastards that they are.Hope this clears things up a bit!

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