14 thoughts on “U.S. Border Patrol Paying To Ship Illegals Deep Into U.S.

  1. This city official and his workers are admittingly aiding and abetting Illegal immigrants aka FELONS!! He should be hung for high treason!!! Where is the Texas militia???

        1. You know more people than you realize. If you start asking folks anywhere you are, if they like the illegals being shipped in, most if not all will say no.
          Those are the ones you get contact info. from to invite to the border, armed and ready to take care of business.
          If we take care of the crossings in TX, they’ll have to find another state, then that state will have to take care of business.

          1. Katie. I have been doing that, and have contact info on a good number of true militia. We are collecting information on the enemy as we go about our daily business. There are some surprises in store for the enemy in this area.

          2. Easier said than done. I have zombies in my area and no job with very little money to spare.

          3. Hey NC the zombies are everywhere. some sincere, and some dumbed down. We have to be careful who we communicate with.

          4. Even zombies with no job have opinions. IMO, unless they are professed communists, people have great resolve to stand up.
            Are you living smack dab in the middle of Austin, I hear it’s pretty liberal? Even so, there are people that are fed up.
            Also, Paul, you mentioned being careful about what zombies you talk you. What could be more concerning than what we are facing? Curious to know.

  2. Anyone chart where they are dumping them, in relation to upcoming elections, where democrats may need the “extra” voters?

  3. What is this crap about the U.S. Border Patrol paying to ship them anywhere? It’s OUR friggin money they’re spending?!

  4. We know the Obama Administration loves illegal immigrants (which should make a lot more people as why, like are some members of Obama’s team (mentioning no names of course) illegals themselves perhaps.
    It seems however public officials need to be reminded that laws exist for a reason. We just sent our politicians in Europe a very loud and clea message to that effect.

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