Horror as seven stabbed in fire and knife attack on train in Switzerland


St Gallen Police confirmed the attack today.

The attack happened on the line between Buchs and Sennwald at around 2.20pm, before the train reached Salez station.

A man on the train used flammable liquids to attack men, women and children in north west Switzerland.

The suspected attacker was taken to hospital after the incident near Salez in St Gallen Canton, Swiss media has said.

St. Gallen cantonal polices spokesman Bruno Metzger said: “Among the injured is at least one child.”

Police later said three 17-year-olds were among the injured, as well as a 50-year-old man, as well as the six-year-old child.

Two other victims were 34 and 43.

Several dozen passengers were on board at the time of the attack.

Photos of the scene are emerging@InfosFrancaises

Police, ambulances and helicopters remain on scene in Switzerland but the attacker is in hospital

The incident comes after Muhammad Riyad, a 17-year-old Afghan refugee, attacked passengers on a train in Wuerzburg, southern Germany, with an axe in July – injuring 19.It is not known if the attack is terror related.

A police statement said the assailant was a 27-year-old Swiss citizen and that he was also injured in the incident.

It was not clear whether the man was under arrest and the statement revealed no possible motive for the attack, but did say a criminal inquiry was under way.

The statement said: ”According to current information a 27-year-old Swiss man poured out a flammable liquid. He was also armed with at least one knife. The liquid caught fire.”

Swiss police later said they have not ruled out the motive being a “crime of passions”.

A police spokesman told welt.de: “A terrorism background still seems very, very far-fetched.”

Seven injured in Swiss train attackGoogle

The attack took place on a train right before it reached the station in Switzerland

One villager told Swiss media: “We have heard that a man has a woman on fire in the train”First I thought of a terrorist attack.”

It is the first attack of its kind in Switzerland in recent memory.

There have been a string of assaults on the public in neighbouring France and Germany, as well as Belgium, over the past 18 months, most of which were claimed by the Islamic State militant group and killed more than 250 people.

Seven people have been injuredGETTY

Armed police have been called to the scene, as well as ambulances and helicopters


Passengers are reported to be “seriously injured”.

Emergency services have surrounded the scene, including firefighters, three rescue helicopters, two emergency physicians, three ambulances and experts from the railway companies.


5 thoughts on “Horror as seven stabbed in fire and knife attack on train in Switzerland

  1. I’ll bet you 10 bucks Israeli Mossad hand a hand in it. One “crispy critter” later and poof, they haven’t a clue. As we’re all supposed to believe these things “just happen” and there’s no “puppeteer” pulling the strings, all the while, every knows otherwise but are powerless to do anything about it.

    So, here we sit, ready and waitin’, just what is it we’re waitin’ for? I ain’t sure. All I know is I got few good years left in me but, dammit, the clock’s tickin’.

  2. “It is the first attack of its kind in Switzerland in recent memory.”

    Yes, they DO have a long history of NOT being attacked. Hmmmm…

    1. I say we go in full bore and kick their Swiss a$$es! Switzerland, the land where the women got the nads and haul the wood, fight the Nazi’s and get laundry done before they throw supper on the table.

      Kinda like a Nebraska farm girl, tough as nails and whoop most men’s arse. I met a few Wisconsin girls back in the day that could hold their own in a scrap. Not too graceful though, like a bull in a China store.

      I do not intend to insult the Swiss, but they sure got some strange ways. No doubt,, they feel the same about us.

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