House Passes Gun Control Bill to Expand Background Checks – Here Are the 8 Republicans Who Voted with Democrats

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

The Democrat-led House on Thursday passed a gun control bill to expand background checks with a vote of 227-203.

8 Republican lawmakers voted with the Democrats to pass the “Background Checks Act” that prohibits private firearms transfers without having a background check:

Vern Buchanan (FL)
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
Maria Salazar (FL)
Andrew Garbarino (NY)
Chris Smith (NJ)
Fred Upton (MI)
Carlos Gimenez (FL)
Adam Kinzinger (IL)

Jared Golden (ME) was the one Democrat who voted against the bill according to a preliminary tally of votes.

A second gun control measure, the “Enhanced Background Checks Act” will be considered by the House on Thursday.

This bill would close the loophole that allows some gun sales to go through before the background check is fully completed.

The gun control measures are expected to face opposition in the Senate.

Gateway Pundit

2 thoughts on “House Passes Gun Control Bill to Expand Background Checks – Here Are the 8 Republicans Who Voted with Democrats

  1. We here already know that there’s no difference between the 2 parties
    They are all traitors who are selling us all out and trying like hell to find a way to make you obey their tyranny
    Because they fear each and everyone of us because of their evil deeds

  2. I can’t stand that smarmy, smug little POS traitor, Adam Kinzinger. He is the rep for the district next door to mine, so I have to put up with seeing him all the time. Makes me gag every time.

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