Hurricane Harvey Origin: Targeting Texas

Published on Aug 25, 2017 by WeatherWar101

The only way to understand Harvey, is to see its development – from the beginning. Since the 16th this storm has been in development, and the amount of accumulated Water Vapor that has been generated in the Gulf from all surrounding On-Land Generation sources, is the most there has been in a very long time.

As I said in the video, as soon as this storm reaches the shore, On-Land Water Vapor Generation from Texas, Louisiana, etc., will take over fueling this storm, and that process has already begun. Already the tell-tale On-Land Bursts have begun in Texas and Louisiana, and it’s going to get much, much worse. When this storm is fully over land, all of these sources will be running, and massive flooding is guaranteed.

It’s also no coincidence that Hurricane Harvey is hitting the United States, 25 years to the day after Hurricane Andrew hit Florida. Since all of these storms are very clearly and very obviously deliberated manufactured, this “Anniversary Hurricane” was clearly intentional.

It’s going to be a very rough few days for the victims of this event, but if there is ANYTHING positive to be gained from it, it should be that people _see with their own eyes_ how these storms are intentionally created, and understand the local Power Plant sources for the continuous deluge they are going to experience. It’s time to see and learn the truth, and in addition to this video, I’ll be covering Harvey in minute detail in my next video as well.

4 thoughts on “Hurricane Harvey Origin: Targeting Texas

  1. “It’s also no coincidence that Hurricane Harvey is hitting the United States, 25 years to the day after Hurricane Andrew hit Florida.”

    Say it ain’t so.

    That I DIDN’T know.

  2. did I not predict this Godzilla storms destruction days ago..all 3 monsters the same..but if its true that 25 years to the day Andrew came..god help me that’s my sons name..7 30 ..1989..i saw him the day before the jet bet the death rate is being down its harp again..out of chaos…almost nothing happens by accident..

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