I am curious

I do not have access to television in my home and do not even see a TV at the places I go. I am not active on any social media other than the Trenches. This morning a survey asked me how the quarantine is changing my life. I was not aware of any quarantine. I have seen changes like the carts restricting access to Walmart but even this has not changed how I live. Is Amerika under quarantine now? How do they expect people such as myself who do not pay any attention to mainstream media to be aware of this supposed fact?

Just curious, Jill in OKC

9 thoughts on “I am curious

  1. Quarantine? What quarantine? I still work everyday and shop for food everyday and put gas in my car. I’m not isolated anywhere. Other than stupid stores closing early or being closed (I never used to go anywhere or buy any luxuries even before the so-called quarantine), I’ve been living my normal life.

  2. I don’t know but it’s a perfect excuse to plead ignorance that being you don’t pay attention to the boob tube nor the radio. I’m just living my life as usual after all this is supposed to be the u States, land of the free.

  3. Only the sheeple that beLIEve in the illusion are in the self imposed quarantine
    No tv here either and the only anti social media I visit is right here at the Trenches 🙂
    I’m out and about as usual. If anyone stops me that’s ok. I welcome it. I will get them up to speed real quick as I know many many are operating in ignorance. I did.

  4. There isn’t any restrictions at all unless you want them Jill, up to you. Sheep might have some, not sure.

  5. Obstacles are for going over, under, through, moving, and destroying.
    In other words… The same BS…That’s how I feel about it. 🙂

  6. The bottom line though, as harsh as it sounds, is that they want people like you & I who don’t watch TV or listen to or read about their LIES dead! They don’t want people who think for themselves in “their” world as we are the final barrier to them getting everything they want. And what they want is so diabolical that people who want to truly continue to “live” have no option but to stop it & them DEAD in it’s tracks. The truth was no defence for Ernst Zündel when he was tried by jews for Holohoax denial & ignorance will be no defence if they come for us! Remember that!

  7. I’m still working but it’s grinding to a stand still. Just got back from a mountain drive to run the dogs and burn one. No cops. Plenty of radio traffic for county mounties. Foot chase. Dui. Dv(plural).

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