I Can’t Find A Job: The Effects of A Large Unemployed Class & The Rise of Automation

Ingenious Press

What are the effects of a large unemployed or underemployed class in America? Upon those of you that are still working, what are the effects of the rise of outsourcing jobs to Mexico, China, and Southeast Asia? Can your job be automated? Can a portion of your job be automated? Can a portion of your job be done by a computer? Better, faster, and cheaper than you? Probably, for a majority of you.


4 thoughts on “I Can’t Find A Job: The Effects of A Large Unemployed Class & The Rise of Automation

  1. In Japan they’re building robots that can play a violin, conduct an orchestra, etc. etc.
    There aren’t many manual laborers left that can’t be replaced by a bot.

  2. Hahaha, I am one of the people screwed over by the PTB in this economic depression of epic proportions. Everything this guy states is true, my friends that still have a job are now expected to do the work of 2 – 3 people, work more hours with no compensation and no raises. I have been laid off for over two years now and cannot find a job at any level. I am an engineer with both applications and sales experience. I have tried to find another position, I have been on dozens of interviews with no offers forthcoming. I have tried to get lower level jobs and I am told I am “over qualified”. It seems I am now too old to land a new position and too young to retire. Especially since I have been forced to spend what little I had tucked away for retirement just to survive the last two years.

  3. Accepting mass unemployment might make it easier when you move next onto the British response, and that’s to get blamed for it. Man, do I want to hang some of our corrupt, thieving, lying bastard MPs. They have become as shit.

  4. Control the money, control the masses………Simple philosophy of the Federal Reserve/European Central Bank….When confronted they always cower——-tell you anything about the NWO???? Wake up folks, stop complaining & do something about it! fight for Liberty & Freedom

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