“I never imagined having a heart attack at the age of 29” “Cardiologists are now saying my heart problem is more than likely a result of the COVID vaccine.”

4 thoughts on ““I never imagined having a heart attack at the age of 29” “Cardiologists are now saying my heart problem is more than likely a result of the COVID vaccine.”

  1. so glad I have a healthy distrust of our government , its probably saved my life many times

    1. I hope every day for this POS is spent running from a noose , and if its not , him having the constant fear of when his day will come , and who is going to be the ones coming for him

  2. “I never imagined…”

    That right there is the actual problem. She, like millions of other walking dead, place their trust, something that’s meant to be EARNED & given only to a select few in your life, in people & systems that have NEVER have her best interests at heart. Hell, they don’t even have a heart to start with! These are the types of people who when you warn them about the consequences of their misplaced trust jump to their pre-programmed trigger-word responses & call you a conspiracy nutjob. It’s hard to have sympathy but it’s always within us to do so – something that separates us from jews & other evil creatures.

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