I Think Most Of Us Have The Same Question, What’s The Point Of Uncovering All These Bribery Transactions, Shell Companies & Illegal Quid Pro Quo Deals The Biden Crime Family Engaged In If No One In The GOP Will Actually DO SOMETHING About It?

2 thoughts on “I Think Most Of Us Have The Same Question, What’s The Point Of Uncovering All These Bribery Transactions, Shell Companies & Illegal Quid Pro Quo Deals The Biden Crime Family Engaged In If No One In The GOP Will Actually DO SOMETHING About It?

  1. because its them ALL, against us .. there’s no Dems or Repubs ..just Us and them … the illusion of choice is a game and if we intend to win it , its passed time for the sheeple to wake the F up

  2. Will the GOP (RINOs or not) do anything about it? Of course not! The comment above is correct. DO NOT COMPLY! As for supposedly removing McCarthy from the “speaker of the House” (of ‘representin’)…theater. Same with Trump “trials.” Theater. Time for reality…real reality.

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