IBM layoffs: IBM lays off hundreds of employees and more cuts are on the way

IBM layoffs: IBM lays off hundreds of employees and more cuts are on the wayExaminer- by CHRISTIAN SAVOY

IBM layoffs: After a less than stellar first quarter earnings report, IBM revealed that there would be more layoffs coming in the second quarter, Newsday reported on June 12. According to the report, hundreds of IBM employees have already received pink slips and the layoffs were just the start of more to come.  

IBM spokesman Doug Shelton said the layoffs are aimed at trimming its U.S. workforce and he gave the following statement in an email: “Change is constant in the technology industry and transformation is an essential feature of our business model. Consequently, some level of workforce remix is a constant requirement for our business. Given the competitive nature of our industry, we do not publicly discuss the details of staffing plans.”

Bloomberg TV explained that IBM is starting to downsize its workforce in an effort to reduce expenses. It was previously thought that most of the jobs would be overseas, however, Bloomberg says that the IBM layoffs are aimed at several levels of employees.

The main reason for the IBM layoffs is pretty obvious whether IBM executives want to admit or not: the company has lagged in any growth efforts and sales have stagnated. Unfortunately for Big Blue and its employees, this is the start of yet another round of layoffs — one of several in the last few years.


4 thoughts on “IBM layoffs: IBM lays off hundreds of employees and more cuts are on the way

  1. IBM is an evil global corporation

    Don’t think this isn’t related to the nsa crap.

    I bet south america’s unemployment rate just went down.

    Thes facist global illegal monopolies are sick and need to be destroyed.

    There is no innovation anymore in the world.

    It is nothing but patents and lawyers.

    We should be lightyears ahead of we currently are but because of sick monopolies like ibm, microsoft, and oracle weilding their fake sick patents against any startup that beats them and then when they get their patents challenged the judges just lets them withdraw the patent from the case so they can go sic it on some other superior startup.

    I wouldn’t doubt billy gates made a deal with the government in the 90’s to get out of the netscape browser case against sun that they lost and provide back doors to the piece of crap windows os to the government.

  2. My take, is they have put SuSE (the original nucleus kicked butt with this early slackware based distro) through the corporate Novell meat-grinder to get their enterprise servers to sell. Now that they have what they need, poof to the excess fat (Hopefully they have kept the brains.) While it is good kit, it’s expensive, and really who has money to buy these enterprise servers right now? Now people just want something “free” and simple like debian for it’s customization and upgrade simplicity. With the uncertainty in the markets, they now move away from these expensive enterprise class servers to free clouds if possible.

    One glitch though, is when they now realize they moved out of the Frying Pan into the Cloud $pying Fire. Not a problem for those who do everything big, but near death for the small guy. It sucks on every level, what was unique, fun, creative, and productive, has now become an “ecosystem” of limited overpriced, over spied choices.

    If your scum (like some retired 3 letter agency I’ve known in the past 1990’s), you can buy sell data for telemarketing and targeted ads and crap for people connected to certain things like IRS insurance, and DSM-5 based health care, all neatly packaged in the cloud to be shared by anyone with interest in sucking your blood.

    Being a telemarketer you can run a dirty sloppy website as well. And even INSIDE, who knows where that meth on the sink came from? Where those long distance weird calls came from, etc. Where those logs disappeared to. Why that server was down from being rooted. But more important, who cares!? Who knows? As long as the electric bill and retards get paid.

  3. But hey, don’t worry, folks. UNEMPLOYMENT IS WWWWWAAAAYYY DOWN and we have lots of minimum wage jobs available….for the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Welcome to Amerika!

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