6 thoughts on “IRS Hearing: Rep Mike Kelly – “Please Spread the Word.. Do Not Fear This Government”

  1. I dont fear it,
    I resent it am disillusioned by it and cant wait for them to have to eat their hat.

  2. Dont fear a government that has purchased Billions of rounds of ammo for DHS,purchased Thousands of armored vehicles,Fly drones to keep and eye on everyone,use cell phones to track the citizens,Lock down entire cities over 2 guys,even after one is dead,Have cameras all over the place to spy on its citizens,perform random road side illegal searches of citizens that have done nothing,and turned the cops and sheriffs into commando units. How could anyone not trust a government like that.Not to mention that the same government doesn’t know how to speak with out lying! What could there possibly be to fear?

  3. I think their purchases, drones, new laws, obsessive spying, etc. indicates THEY are terrified of US. And based on what they’ve been doing the past hundred years…and considering we are waking up…they better be.

  4. It’s time to bring back the ‘National Razor,’ so popular during the French Revolution and start using it on traitor politicians for a ‘haircut’ that lasts for eternity.

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