Is Hillary Guilty?

Published on Jul 13, 2016 by BillWhittleChannel

It takes Bill Whittle 93 seconds to show Hillary Clinton guilty of violating three separate Federal Statutes. It takes another three minutes to explain why she and Obama simply DO NOT CARE.

7 thoughts on “Is Hillary Guilty?

  1. Does the Poop sh#t in the woods? Is the bear Catholic?

    Or vice-versa.

    Yes… (future) madam president is guilty as hell.

      1. She’s a lock (unfortunately), imo, Millard.

        Let the games begin… oops… too late. 🙄

        They already have.

        1. I absolutely agree #1. I’ve been pointing this out to everyone for the past year and they still think they can change the outcome with a vote or another candidate.


          Even when the Republican Party had many other candidates, I told them it will end up being Trump and Clinton and even though everyone will follow Trump, Clinton will still win regardless because she is SELECTED. Some laughed while others agreed with me.

          This whole election is the same as the last one with Romney and Barry. NO ONE wanted Barry and everyone was saying, “Anyone but Barry”. So what happened, Barry won and even the MSM were surprised when they announced the winner because they knew it was impossible that he won and that it was rigged.

          The same thing will happen with this election. 99% of the people who still participate in this fraudulent election will vote for Trump, but Clinton will end up winning in the end through massive in your face voter fraud. It’ll be her greatest scandal and will make her email server scandal look like child’s play. Just watch. You’ll see.

          The question is, what will the people do about it? Sit on their asses or hang the bitch?

    1. Is a frog’s arse watertight? Does a bear, well, you know, is Hillary guilty? These are questions that don’t need to be asked, universal truth is hard to deny.

      Of course she’s guilty as sin and she’s on the escalator to the White House. She’s got a ticket to ride, signed, sealed, delivered to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as sickening as that sounds.

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