8 thoughts on “Is Michael Brown A National Hero?

    1. I do believe he is a real person NC. The rest of this production as Henry would say, is looking like a total fabrication to start a race war. If the officer is not indicted, I believe we could see city’s erupt overnight. Be prepared everyone, do not end up like a Reginald Denny!

  1. Sure Michael Brown is a hero, I got the security question right I’m a hero, your a hero EVERYBODY’S a F@#$ING HERO!!! Give me a break with ALL the HERO BUllS#@T ALREADY. I am so freaking sick of how stupid the sheeple are!

  2. Nationalize the press under an enemy-in-occupation force of jewish gangsters? Oh, that will work real well for the communists (sarcasm), with just more of the same for the people.

  3. The 28 year old Black male was buried as he lived not that far from where I live “Citrus Heights, CA”.

    Me thinks we’ve been had yet again.

    Wag Wag Wag the dog over and over again! Anyone sick of this yet?

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