Is this a Chem-Bomb being dropped near San Diego?

Published on Jan 17, 2014 by Crrow777

What is this that exploded near San Diego? I filmed this while filming chem planes spraying very low and the object appeared after the second, higher, trail was laid. Whatever fell from the object rained down into a very urban area full of houses.

I have no idea what to think at this point!

5 thoughts on “Is this a Chem-Bomb being dropped near San Diego?

  1. It looks like a weather balloon of sorts. Especially the way it blew up. But who knows. These madmen are capable of anything.

  2. There was definitely some kind of payload inside the sphere, and I’d say a “chem-bomb” or bio-weapon would be a good guess.

    If we see a sudden outbreak of some type of contagious virus around San Diego, we know where it came from.

    got gas masks?

  3. have seen video and pics of orbs / spheres around chemtrails through the years. this could be evidence of what they really are.

  4. I’ve seen photos taken from space of chembombs, and that was nowhere near the mass of those things.

    Bio-weapon would be my guess.

  5. Nothing is going to change until “We the People” take a stand! Keep up the exposure & start joining hands in the effort to regain our Liberty, Freedom, Justice & Truth

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