Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power: NYT

By Paul Squire –

Israeli Prime Minister "Bibi" Netanyahu allowed millions in funds to flow to Hamas, the New York Times reported. picture alliance; Getty Images

Israeli officials are facing backlash after years of Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu quietly allowing Hamas to remain in power.

But reporting in the New York Times has revealed that Netanyahu’s government was more hands-on about helping Hamas: they helped a Qatari diplomat bring suitcases of cash into Gaza, indirectly boosting the militant organization, according to the report.

The calculus — the Times reported on Sunday, citing Israeli officials, Netanyahu’s critics, and the man’s own reported statements — was to keep Hamas strong enough to counteract the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, allowing Netanyahu to avoid a two-state peace solution and keep both sides weak.

Israeli security officials got it wrong; they didn’t think Hamas was capable, or even interested, in launching a large attack against the Jewish state.

To keep Hamas propped up, Netanyahu’s government worked with Qatari to keep the money flowing, the New York Times reported. Israel knew that Qatar was supporting Hamas, but didn’t oppose the payments and even lobbied American lawmakers not to sanction Qatar.

In 2018, Netanyahu’s administration came up with a plan, according to the New York Times. As part of a peace agreement with Hamas, Qatar would bring millions into Gaza to distribute to Gazan families, the outlet reported.

Israeli security officials would meet with a Qatari diplomat at the border between Israel and Jordan, according to the New York Times report.

They would then drive him past the border crossing and into Gaza, according to the outlet.

Though the money was meant for Gazan civilians, Western intelligence determined that Hamas was taking money from the funds to use themselves, the outlet reported.

The propped-up peace lasted until October 7, when Hamas fighters launched a terror attack across the Israeli border. The militants killed about 1,200 people and took dozens more hostage, Israeli officials said.

Israel has since responded with a massive bombing and ground campaign in Gaza. About 17,000 people in Gaza have been killed, according to Hamas-led Gazan health authorities.

Though a short ceasefire allowed a hostage exchange between Hamas and Israel, the fighting has since continued.

7 thoughts on “Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power: NYT

  1. “Though the money was meant for Gazan civilians, Western intelligence determined that Hamas was taking money from the funds to use themselves, the outlet reported.“

    Really? This is going to be their pathetic spin? The money all these years was meant for the civilians and not Hamas?

    Do they really think we were born yesterday?

    What a crock of sh*t!

    This scene explains my reaction.

  2. Talk about twist and spin. Here’s The New York Times trying to stay in control of the narrative, speaking the doublespeak of confusion and deception.

    Only those who are telling the truth are screaming, “GENOCIDE!!” So any who want to prove they are telling the truth better start screaming “GENOCIDE!!! Any other utterances are proof of being no more than gate-keeping talking heads.


    1. Side note: Last night I ventured out of the outrage just for a few short hours. My town hosted The Kingston Trio, an old folk group popular decades back. My little escape had some surprises: The lightweight trio served up some anti-war songs. I had the opportunity to pass out some Bill of Rights pendants in the lobby and to share some conversation on The Ten Articles being the solution. Found some open minds/fertile ground. So I continue to believe any effort is better than none. Here are just two lines from the song that ended the show:

      Last night I had the strangest dream I ever dreamed before
      I dreamed the world had all agreed to put an end to war


  3. Comment I came across:

    “Message to Supporters of Gaza Genocide: What is the matter with you? You have descended into a moral sewer. We are all Palestinians and you will get a taste of what you condone. Israel’s assault on Gaza is repugnant and your support makes you complicit in war crimes.”


  4. What Chuck Baldwin just wrote:

    “Everyone talks about the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room. But almost no one talks about the eight-hundred-pound gorilla that is in EVERY room. In fact, most people want to pretend as if the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in every room does not even exist, even as they go out of their way to please, pamper, placate, protect and promote that same beast. ”

    “This eight-hundred-pound beast is in every newsroom in New York; he is in every office and cloakroom in the U.S. Capitol; he sits in the Oval Office in the White House; he is in every war room in the Pentagon; he is in every classroom in America’s public schools, colleges and universities; he is in every production studio in Hollywood; he is in every spy room in the CIA; he is in every boardroom on Wall Street; he is in every conference room in Big Business; and he is in almost every pulpit in the evangelical churches of America—and that eight-hundred-pound gorilla is Israel.”

    “Hollywood, Washington, D.C., New York City, Wall Street, the Pentagon, the Federal Reserve, most public colleges and universities and 80% of America’s evangelical churches all have one thing in common. All of them are dominated and intimidated by the eight-hundred-pound gorilla.”


  5. Joos money to Hamas a good investment and those joos know how to get the most bang for the buck. Look what they are getting back from the US.

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