Israeli firm offers to build Trump’s Mexico wall

Press TV

An Israeli company has signaled its willingness to construct the wall that US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has controversially promised to build along the US-Mexico border if the bombastic American businessman is elected president.

“We would join forces with a major US defense company that has experience with such projects worldwide,” Bloomberg cited Saar Koursh, the head of the Israeli Magal Security Systems Ltd., as saying on Tuesday.  

“We’ve done it in the past and we would definitely want to do it,” he added, referring to the company’s construction of a “smart fence” between the Gaza Strip and Israel and other such projects.

Magal has subsidiary companies in the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Germany, Romania and an office in China. It has also helped construct barriers between Israel and Jordan as well as Egypt.

The Israeli company has also produced and installed surveillance systems along borders and in military bases, maximum security prisons and other sensitive installations in more than 75 countries.

Trump, the American Republican nominee for president, is known for his controversial and abusive remarks on various issues. The real estate mogul, who has had no background in politics, has suggested that the Mexican refugees who enter the United States illegally through the border are “rapists” and “murderers,” and has vowed to build a wall along the border to keep them out. He has said Mexico will have to pay for the construction of the wall.

“We are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs and the violence, and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities,” Trump said at the Republican National Convention on July 21.

The remarks have been met with strong criticism in the US and in Mexico.

11 thoughts on “Israeli firm offers to build Trump’s Mexico wall

  1. Yep, that’s the ticket, F the American workers, let’s import “kikes” to do our wall, lie, cheat, and steal every penny they can, then go through the motions of construction only to run out of money, request more, and get paid 10 times the original bid. No one appears capable of holding up their end of a bargain. We should just assume they’re all jackals tearing off as much flesh from the American carcass while the gettin’s good. Honor, trust, and joos? No such thing.

  2. Yah , freaking Par for the Course .. a foreign contractor building a wall for the US Government .. As if we dont have enough Contractors here that would love to have that job and do it and hire US Nationals and US companies to supply materials

    F U Israel

    and I swear if the Trumpet gets in.. he better NOT F Up like this

  3. “We are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs and the violence, and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities,” Trump said…”

    U.S.A.! U.S.A.!! U.S.A.!!!


    And the jews are gonna help him.

  4. Why would any American hire a jewish company to build “The Great Wall” when there are plenty of US citizens out of work? Oh, I forgot. The jewwwws run this country.

  5. I have channeled the spirit of
    That’s that’s the black version of
    The spirit of Negrodamus says.
    Donald Trump will be successful in building his wall.
    He will also build a replica of the Whitehouse on the new border wall and inside will be a casino.
    The back entrance will be the service entrance for illegalls to cross the border and work at the New Whitehouse Trump casino.
    He will then clone his wife and then prop them up as advertising like the red light district in Amsterdam.
    All drugs will be legal and drinks and weed will be served at the blackjack table.
    As well as all card dealers will be topless hooters ladies.
    The drug money laundering jew banks will open next door to the casino.
    Next to the banks we’ll start a new China town where mexicans can cook authentic Chinese food.
    Let’s make America great again.

    1. Negrodamus, let’s give credit where credit is due, is a Dave Chappelle gig that was F’N hilarious. Dave Chappelle broke all the rules and should be mandatory viewing for many. There wasn’t a racist bone in that nigger and he would laugh at anyone, including himself. He’d laugh at me using the “nigger” word. It’s too bad Comedy Central were such dicks to him, we may have been able to enjoy a season or two more of his wit and humor.
      Eddie Murphy’s brother Charlie Murphy and his “True Hollywood Stories” was F’N hilarious.

  6. When I saw this story’s headline, I thought to myself – how classically jewish this scam sounds.

    Jews are responsible for enacting that White Genocide legislation in 1965 (Emanuel Celler, Jacob Javits) and shutting down immigration from Europe and throwing open our borders to the millions of non-white, blood sucking parasites and leeches from the third world – leeches who have shown themselves to be totally incapable of assimilating and who are dangerously incompatible with the majority White, Western culture – and who, as their numbers grew – have become openly and brazenly hostile to Western values and culture. So, jews created the problem originally and have continued to work to prevent Whites from stopping this third world invasion – and, now – these conniving bastards are looking to get awarded a massive, multi-billion dollar contract to ‘build the Trump Wall’ to help solve the problem that jews are responsible for creating?

    This is chutzpah on steroids. I say NO. Tell Israel to go straight to hell.

    Hire American based contractors to build the wall and hire Americans to do the work.

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