Israeli Govt Spokesman Refuses to Apologize for Killing of Food Aid Workers

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Israeli government spokesman David Mencer on Tuesday refused to apologize for the killing of seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) aid workers in Gaza.

Asked by UK Channel 4’s Krishnan Guru-Murthy if Israel would apologize for the killing, Mencer would only say that they’ve “expressed grief” about “the operation.”


As I highlighted on Tuesday, evidence suggests Israel hunted the World Central Kitchen’s aid workers down and killed them and their attempted rescuers in three separate drone strikes — all while they were coordinating with Israel and sharing their location with the IDF.

While one such accident could perhaps be explained as a “mistake” — bombing them three times can only be seen as deliberate.


At least 196 aid worked have been killed in Israel’s war on Gaza, Channel 4 reports.

2 thoughts on “Israeli Govt Spokesman Refuses to Apologize for Killing of Food Aid Workers

  1. Let the whole world see the hate most of the world have for these lying murderers. Let the whole world join the hate-train.

    Hate serves a purpose or else it wouldn’t exist. Hate comes when love and honor have been attacked and desecrated. If focused and determined, hate can win these back.


  2. Amazing that this was an msm outlet coming on so strong. Could be less and less are puttin’ up with the lies, not to mention the genocide. Tide turning?


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