Israeli twin babies sold in child trafficking scandal in USA

ByLine – by Marianne Azizi

The business of selling babies.  A lucrative business run by a Jewish Orthodox child trafficking operation.  Babies can be sold for as much as $150,000 each.  News of a gag order partially lifted earlier this month names Rabbi Shmuel Puretz  as a major player in this scam operating between Israel and the USA. 

The other victim in the news is Adi Gino. She has come forward to give her story in English to the NGO CFI – Children and Families International, of how her twin girls were taken from her several years ago. Currently raising her 3 sons, she has found the courage to tell the story of the network who coerced her into taking her twin girls and then selling them. Despite the fact she was paid expenses at the time, she goes into details as to how she was manipulated by an experienced ring of traffickers. Here is the inside exclusive story of how she was pressured by a sophisticated ring of people to sell her children against her will. Her own country Israel – were waiting to take her babies at the moment of birth, and in the USA, an unscrupulous ring capitalised on her dilemma. Here is her account:

What led you to decide to give your girls for adoption?

It is not as straightforward as this.  I had two sons, and was suffering post natal depression after the birth of my second boy.  I naively went to the Israeli Welfare  for help.  I had no idea what a mistake this turned out to be.  They arranged medication for me, and said they would send me someone who could help out with my sons.  The problem was, the medication accelerated my depression, and I ended up in hospital.  I had to battle hard to be released, but with really heavy medication and finally my sons were returned to my care.

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One thought on “Israeli twin babies sold in child trafficking scandal in USA

  1. So these babies were Israeli Jews, not Palestinians?

    WOW….not really, considering the late Israeli journalist Barry Chamish exposed the murders of Yemeni Jews in the early 50s by medical corruption, infanticide, and forcing sterilization on Yemeni Jewish women under David Ben Gurion…

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