3 thoughts on “Israel’s official X account got community noted for staging dead baby pictures.

  1. “Extraordinary claims should require extraordinary evidence…”
    — Alan MacLeod, Mint Press News, 10/15/23

    “Lionizing Israel, dehumanizing Palestinians: Few readers, however, see these retractions. Instead, they are left with visceral feelings of anger and disgust … priming them to support Western military action against Palestine or the wider region. … The Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed entitled ‘The Moral Duty to Destroy Hamas,’ which insisted to readers that ‘Israel is entitled to do whatever it takes to uproot this evil, depraved culture that resides next to it.’ Thus, the outlet implicitly gave Israel a free pass to carry out whatever war crimes it wished on the civilian population, whether that is using banned chemical weapons, cutting off electricity and water, or targeting ambulances… … The message was clear: international unity was paramount at this time. MERE TRIFLES SUCH AS WAR CRIMES MUST BE OVERLOOKED. And while Israel and its people were treated with special sympathy (e.g., Washington Post), the other side was written off as bloodthirsty radicals.”
    — Alan MacLeod, Mint Press News, 10/15/23

    “If we can’t own property, we become the property.”
    — Rhoda Wilson


    1. been trying to comment, can’t, just replying to it all. Believe me, in England we’ve had enough, they know it…they’re going to bring it on, we’ll see….

      1. A few lines from a song I just came across:

        I’ve got my feet in the water and I’m staring up the hill
        It’s a hard, hard walking but I’m on my way
        You don’t achieve nothing by standing still
        Hard walking but I’m on my way

        Dark times are coming there’s a cold black night
        I ain’t rolling over without a fight
        Don’t go begging to your masters, they ain’t gonna help
        To get the job done we gotta do it ourselves

        Lorraine, for you and your fellow fighters:



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