It’s about compliance, not science: Virginia officials demand students get vaccinations to participate in ONLINE learning from home

Natural News – by Lance D Johnson

Public health officials in Virginia are warning prospective students to get all the required vaccinations before the start of the school year in order to do online virtual learning from their home. If parents do not comply and do not show proof their kid got the injections, then their kid won’t be able to access the online learning materials provided by the school district. This is a threat. It’s also a lie, an empty threat, because children belong to their parents, not the state.

“I think people feel like if you’re not going to the brick and mortar school then you don’t need to have the immunizations but that’s incorrect,” said Fairfax County Health Department worker Shauna Severo, speaking with NBC 4 in Washington

This controlling public health official is lying. There are legal exemptions for any and all vaccination for schoolchildren in Virginia. These exemptions are constantly under assault in each state, but they do exist, as long as parents realize how important their freedom is to make medical choices for their own family.

According to Virginia law 12VAC5-110-80: No certificate of immunization shall be required of any student for admission to school if: The student or his parent or guardian submits a notarized Certificate of Religious Exemption (Form CRE 1), to the admitting official of the school to which the student is seeking admission. Form CRE 1 is an affidavit stating that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with the student’s religious tenets or practices.

It’s all about compliance as controllers try to force vaccinations on kids learning from home

It’s now apparent that vaccination coverage is all about compliance, not health. Why do officials want to force children to take liability-free inoculations, when these children will be learning from the confines of their home? How intrusive will these controlling people get?

There’s nothing in the vaccinations that enhances a child’s immune system – no antiviral prophylactics, no minerals like zinc that will stop viral replication. Vaccines do not contain vitamin C, so they cannot boost thymus gland function nor strengthen the adaptive immune response. They do not contain Vitamin D and therefore do not strengthen the intra-cellular T-cell response to viral infection. There’s nothing in a vaccine that strengthens the child’s microbiome, enhancing their immune system’s ability to detect and react quickly to invading pathogens.

If anything, there are enough side effects listed on the vaccine insert sheets to make any rational parent second guess the safety and effectiveness of the inoculations.

Forced to do online learning, students across the nation are being conditioned to fear their own immune system and be ignorant of how it works and adapts to its environment. Instead, they are taught that they are biological sources of contamination, always infecting others with infections they don’t even have. Forced to stay in their homes, children are being mentally abused to accept a life of fear and false guilt. When they are included in school activities, they are lined up and spaced out like prisoners, forcibly masked and monitored.

Desperate, Virginia setting up pop up clinics to get kids vaccinated

Virginia is now setting up pop up clinics to make sure that schoolchildren are inoculated with the CDC’s bloated vaccine schedule, which has not been studied as a whole for safety. Parents are told to make appointments beforehand.

Virginia officials are desperate to force compliance because vaccination rates have plummeted in 2020. During the initial lock downs, vaccination coverage plummeted as parents avoided contact with medical facilities. Ironically, the mortality rate for infants plummeted during this time as well. The drop off in inoculations for infants coincided with historically low cases of SIDS.

Parents are still avoiding the medical system and vaccination rates are down. Many are starting to see the rampant coercion in the vaccine industry and how vaccine makers are shielded from legal liability when their products harm people. More parents are skeptical of how many vaccinations they submit their child to and are speaking up at pediatrician offices.

In the end, the threats from public health officials in Virginia are empty and have no legal or constitutional authority. Parents have the final say what goes into their child’s body, especially when they are facilitating their child’s education from home.

Sources include:

3 thoughts on “It’s about compliance, not science: Virginia officials demand students get vaccinations to participate in ONLINE learning from home

  1. Stop acquiescing , this proves its not about the virus , its about compliance … there is no common sense to this what so ever

    If you give in now .. than just put the barrel to your own head and save us the hassle

    we either falsify this , or nullify it way or the other ,,, We the People need to prevail

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