Jacksons Convenient Stores Use Cop-Run Facial Recognition Cameras To Identify Customers


Two years ago, I wrote about the dangers of a cop-run company that profits from installing facial recognition cameras in retail stores. But few people took notice.

Blue Line Technology’s (BLT) “about” page makes no effort to hide the fact that a bunch of former police and military professionals want to put facial recognition in retail stores across the country. 

“Blue Line Technology was launched by retired law enforcement and military professionals to be an industry leader in both threat detection and access control.”

A recent article in the Seattle Times revealed that BLT is one step closer to realizing their goal because the Jacksons Food Store chain in Washington has begun using their facial recognition cameras.

“Before patrons can enter the basic convenience store at the corner of South 38th Street and Pacific Avenue, a camera under a red awning will take a picture and use artificial intelligence (AI) to decide whether the image matches any in a database of known robbers and shoplifters at that location.”

No one is allowed to enter a “basic convenience store” without first submitting to being facially recognized? Is this really America anymore?

The Times also revealed that Jacksons plans to deny innocent people entry for simply refusing to submit to Big Brother’s prying eyes.

Jacksons spokesperson Russ Stoddard said that when fully functional, the system will operate from 8 p.m.-6 a.m. It’s now deactivated after a test last month, but when it’s turned back on, a sign at the front of the store will notify customers that facial recognition technology is in use, and a speaker will ask customers to look at the camera. The door won’t unlock if someone is wearing a mask or if the person has been previously flagged for criminal activity by in-store camera footage.

What is that you say, this is only one store in Washington so why should everyone be worried?

Everyone should be worried, because the Jacksons Food Store chain owns more than 200 stores in six states, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. If they install facial recognition in each of their stores, how long do you think it will take for other convenient store chains to follow suit?

BLT is not content with putting facial recognition cameras in just retail stores.

BLT wants to put facial recognition cameras in mass transit

For the past two years, I have been warning the public about DHS and law enforcement’s plan to put TSA-style body scanners in train stations. But when BLT’s senior partner Major Spiees boasts about using the “convenient store application” (see the video above) to spy on people in mass transit, everyone should be worried.

Don’t forget, DHS and law enforcement are already using facial recognition cameras in music festivalssports stadiumsand every major sports league in the country.

If left unchecked, the spread of facial recognition cameras will create a nationwide ring of surveillance cameras the likes of which we have only seen in China and the UK.


2 thoughts on “Jacksons Convenient Stores Use Cop-Run Facial Recognition Cameras To Identify Customers

  1. Large polarized sunglasses and a baseball hat pulled down so the bill is covering the forehead, and you become john doe. Or so I’ve heard on the internet.
    I can’t hurt.

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