Jade Helm 15 Pre Positioning Assets For The 2015 Economic Collapse Of America

Published on Jun 1, 2015 by Santa Barbara

This is a very good video from “The AntiCointelPro Show” channel.

If you like this video, please visit his channel and subscribe.

Today I give all with eyes to see & ears to hear the proof that Jade Helm 15 is pre positioning military assets to quail mass civil unrest due to the September 2015 organized economic collapse of America…in this video I give you the ways to protect yourself and your family from the dollar crash that is approaching sooner than any of you think.








3 thoughts on “Jade Helm 15 Pre Positioning Assets For The 2015 Economic Collapse Of America

  1. In Numerology, 15 can also represent 6 because 1+5=6. There fore the three 15s of Jade Helm = 666.

  2. I just finished listening to the initial “anti-cointelpro” video…

    The author states (my paraphrase) “Jade Helm is going to be rounding up the “useless eaters”…. the ones who live for the day’s pleasures and get benefits from the CORPORATION.”

    In my opinion (and yes, I realize we all have one of those, and also one of something else)…. it makes ZERO sense that the PTB would exercise ANY significant effort against the sheep, except to use the discord generated from such action to create crisis that would suit their goals. They (the sheeple), are not a viable threat on the order of magnitude of the militia or the informed populace who do not accept the coming globalist paradigm. This group, the group who poses the true threat feared by the globalist slavers, I consider to be: all the armed militia; the armed veterans who recognize the reality of what they were sent to foreign lands to accomplish for the globalists; the armed remnant of those who recall what the concept of freedom from CORPORATE intrusion was; and those armed educated people who recognize the end-game purges played out by the communists in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia (remember the name “Kampuchia” from when we were younger?), Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania, Ethiopia, Hungary, Korea, Afghanistan and Tibet… and anyone else I might not have listed who will not go out with a whimper.

    It is obvious how the international communists treat those in the countries where they have gained the upper hand of control…. They first institute a scheme to disarm the people, then round up and execute everyone who would still pose a threat – and those who pose the greatest threat are the first to be rounded up for execution. The “dumb-masses” are not considered a significant threat to those who are hundreds of miles from any rioting/resistance displayed by (mostly) ignorant and desperate people who have no idea of who the real threat is, or how to effectively combat it, but instead turn inwards toward pre-prepared (by our real enemies) scapegoats/whipping-boys/falsely-labeled members of the society at large. This tactic is used by the Communists as a diversion and excuse/justification for more Draconian tactics on those who really ARE the threat to the conquest of the globalists.

    I pray that each of you take stock of your situation; with regard to your physical supplies, means of defense, trusted friends and allies who are capable of enduring even torture and death in order to see us all through this coming conflagration, and to safekeep those of lesser fighting stature who have been given a vision for the guards for our future security that MUST be instituted in order to prevent this abomination from reoccurring.

    This Summer may be the last one that we will see where we can go and buy a gallon of milk, or a six-pack of beer, or a gallon of gas, or even “a measure of wheat for a day’s wages …. or 3 measures of barley for a day’s wages” (Revelation 6:6).

    Even if things go on for another few years; (and it is difficult to imagine it could, based on the current state of affairs as we see them portrayed each day on this website), the time to prepare and be a light in the darkness is NOW. I leave you now with one more Word from my Savior via my elder brother Paul:
    Philippians 2:15:

    “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.”

    My prayer for you:
    “May Yahweh the Creator bless each and every one of you to see His Face, being redeemed by His Son Yeshua; and standing without shame in the Presence of His Glory.” (That ain’t Scripture – that’s just Darzak).

    Yah Bless The Republic;
    No king but King Yeshua!

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