James Is Not Jim Is Not Joe

james-n-jimOffspectrum with James Farganne

Last night, staying in a pension on Korea’s southwest coast, I was about to hit the hay when a Facebook friend sent me the following link:


I clicked. I waited. The article wouldn’t load. I stepped outside for some fresh air. When I came back, the server had timed out. I clicked again and again. Again and again, the same result. I told my friend it would have to wait for morning and went to bed.  

I am very glad that The Rebel’s server didn’t let me see this article, because it would have ruined my sleep. In it, the author, Andrew MacGregor, accuses my friend Jim Stone of being a murderer. Along the way to this libelous conclusion, he misrepresents and distorts Jim’s work. It is so ridiculous that I do not want to devote the time and effort necessary to answer it; but answer it I must. The only question now is, where to begin.

I guess I’ll start with the most nonsensical of Mr. MacGregor’s claims: that American investigative journalist Jim Stone is actually Australian investigative journalist Joe Vialls, who was actually Israeli Mossad agent Ari Ben Menashe.

First, I direct your attention to the following article, in which the writer testifies that Joe Vialls was a devoted family man and denies that he doubled as anyone else:


From the above article, here is a color picture of Joe Vialls:

Joe Vialls

Joe Vialls

Here, by contrast, is a color image of Jim Stone:

Jim Stone

Jim Stone

The latter is a screen grab from a Skype interview that Jim did with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot in April 2012.

So, you may ask, how are you to believe that the fellow in the interview was really Jim Stone? Well, if you really don’t want to accept the easiest and most obvious conclusion — that the voice and speech mannerisms exactly match every other interview he ever gave, and he is in full command of the research and information released under that name, so it must be him — then maybe you’ll take my word for it.

You see, I know that’s Jim Stone because I spent dozens of hours talking with him on Skype after he made his escape to Mexico.

“Well,” you might then say, “but what about you, Mr. James Farganne? I googled you, and Ken Adachi says that isn’t your real name, and that you and Stone are a tag-team psy op duo and blah blah yadda yadda ya …”

Since his idiotic libel recently caused me some hardship in establishing a new connection with a fellow activist, I am going to take Ken Adachi to task in this article as well. Here is Adachi’s drivel, which I will not re-read because I just got back from my nice little trip to the coast and don’t feel like flying into an apoplectic rage:


Since I am asking you to accept my solemn word that the man in the Skype screen grab is in truth Jim Stone, I suppose it is time that I tell my story and establish my bona fides. I’m going to start with May of 2011, when Jim released his Fukushima Report. I can’t remember how I found it. As I was in a very dark and miserable stage of my “waking up” journey at that time, it might well have been Jeff Rense’s Labyrinth-of-Doom of a website. Rense linked to the Fukushima Report — exactly once — then removed the link and never mentioned Jim again. This bothered me at the time. I was studying the report very seriously, looking for errors, inconsistencies, weaknesses, signs of disinfo. I could find none. Jim backed his claims with aerial drone shots leaked by a site called Pink Tentacle. The footnotes were extensive and exhaustive. So in passing here I will flatly answer MacGregor’s implied question as to where Jim got his information: it’s called RESEARCH.

And to Adachi, who whines like a spoiled schoolchild that he first broke the Fukushima sabotage story and that Jim later tried to take all the credit, I make the same retort. Adachi based his claims on the testimony of his psychic friend Livingstone. There was absolutely nothing of any substance in Adachi’s article, nothing a serious seeker of truth could sink his or her teeth into. You could not show Adachi’s article to a sleeper and hope to wake them up with it. The Fukushima Report represents hundreds of hours of data collection and analysis. It includes so much hard evidence, that by even attempting to place his measly little article in the same league with it, Adachi (who would have you believe that there are chemtrail-gobbling fairies in the sky called “sylphs”) exposes himself for the egotistical dilettante that he is.

I will also note that if you look up Adachi’s teeny weeny Fukushima report, you will not find the original. The original had nothing in it but Adachi’s claims and quotes from Livingstone. Even if you try to find the damned original in the Wayback Machine, you can’t. So it would seem that Ken Adachi has some very resonant strings at his fingertips. Moving on.

As I studied Jim’s report, and as the weeks went by, I began to look suspiciously on “alternative” and “truth” websites that seemed to be studiously ignoring it. Jim had prominently posted on his front page a note stating that he answered any and all serious emails he received, and that if you received no answer, it meant he hadn’t gotten your mail. I wrote to Jim again and again and again, to no avail. Wondering if my IP had been flagged by whomever was censoring his mail, I went to internet cafes and set up bogus mailbox accounts. Nothing worked. I was miserable. I now felt that Rense and many other alternative news outlets were compromised and betraying the truth. As autumn sank into winter, I finally gave up. I was disconsolate. I felt that the internet was rigged and most of the “alternative” sites were just varying degrees of controlled opposition.

One day in early January 2012, on a whim, I gave Jim’s email address to an engineer friend and asked him to fire off a note. Jim answered, so I immediately wrote him again, referencing my engineer friend, and this time he wrote me back. His tone was friendly, brisk, and hectic. After posting the Fuku report, he had been unlawfully detained and had his vending machine business smashed up. Agents in the judicial system were trying to incarcerate him under an erroneous name. The government refused to issue him a passport. He was trying to figure out a way to escape, and the noose was tightening. Shaking off my despair and inertia, I started contacting the editors of alt news websites to see if any of them would post a writeup on Jim and the Fuku report.

The only one who answered in the affirmative was Henry Makow. He gave me a limit of 1000 words and told me two others before me had tried and failed. Henry liked my summary of the report. When he informed Jeff Rense that he was going to post it, and asked Rense to link to it, Rense flew into a rage. He ordered Henry not to post my article on his own website, or he would never link to Henry again. Henry posted it anyway. A very ugly battle between the two of them ensued. Henry then posted my followup article looking more closely at Stuxnet’s role in the attack, and a third article wherein I rebutted trolls who were claiming that Jim was a spook and not to be trusted, or that he was a fiction, or that he was me. Here are the links to those three articles, in chronological order:


Invigorated by my success, I stepped up my efforts to spread knowledge of the Fuku report. I was astonished at the level of resistance. Gmail locked me out of three mailboxes. My laptop was frequently hacked. I was harassed (“zapped”) via brainwaves piggybacked onto the carrier signal of my cell phone. It became at times frighteningly clear to me how serious the situation was. Powerful interests absolutely hated that report, hated Jim, and they let me know in no uncertain terms that the hatred now extended to me as well. The intimidation and harassment I experienced going to bat for Jim forever confirmed in my mind the validity of the information. While that fat-ass Alex Jones mouthed off from his slick studio down in Austin, running his limited hangout operation while perfectly free to travel around the country and consort with celebrities, this one man whom I’d befriended, and exchanged countless emails on all subjects with, was sleeping in a tent, eating from pizza restaurant dumpsters, charging his laptop at wifi cafes, intermittently having to “go dark” when they were closing in on him. When he was afraid, the fear was palpable in his words. The stories from his life were genuine. If you want a glimpse into the man’s soul, read the following essay and see what you think:


Speaking of which, I will now address the following “charge”, if you can really call it that, which people like Mr. MacGregor press against Jim: that his investigative journalism grew out of what was once a photography site. And my answer to that is a big, fat SO WHAT. Jim started out as an NSA analyst believing he was a patriot using his talents to serve his country. After leaving the NSA, he worked in a variety of different fields. At one point he was a pianist, and his album, The Minstrel, can be bought on Ebay. As his interest turned to investigative reporting, he set up a vending machine route and a photography website so that he could make a decent living while having more time to research and write. Eventually he gave up on the photography site and re-allocated it to his reports.

Again, speaking of which, his backlog is a lot more extensive that his detractors let on. When they deride and belittle his “Tainted Nightmare” report which exposed deliberate poisoning of vaccines, it betrays their intentions. There is also his earlier photo expose of the Israeli atrocity at Jenin, a report that considerably predated the current website.

Yet again, speaking of which, go to the website itself (which Google refuses to serve ads) and check out the wealth of links now posted at the top of the main page. Jim Stone has given us a lot of information, and much of it predates the Fukushima Report. The man did not just jump out of a black hole, to be, in MacGregor’s words, “introduced … to the world” in June of 2011 by Natural News.

Eventually, in April 2012, Jim managed to cross the border into Mexico with a passport issued by the World Service Authority. In an attempt to get him some money, I set up a Citibank account here in Seoul, the idea being that maybe I could place funds in it, and Jim could withdraw them in Mexico. I placed a small amount of money in it for testing purposes. Within a few days, Citibank notified me that they had closed my account. They offered no explanation, and when I pressed them for one they refused it. They also stole my fucking money. Tell me, Mr. MacGregor, was Jim Stone pulling levers in the vaulted interior of that bank, cackling with glee as he ingeniously separated me from my five dollars? Or is it more likely that Jim’s enemies are in positions of such power and influence that their monitoring agents informed them of my plan, then pulled strings at Citibank to kibosh it, no questions asked? I leave it for you to decide.

Furthermore, this man whom Mr. MacGregor calls a “conman” has never taken more in donations than he needed to survive on a very low budget in a poor country for a couple of months. I once had a lengthy Skype chat with him where he strolled his laptop through a Mexican Wal Mart and showed me how good the prices were for staples of sustenance. Once, when he was dangerously low on money, I offered to sell what little silver I have and send the cash to him. He flat-out refused to take it, insisting on the importance of having metals in case of monetary collapse, and that he would sleep in the street before taking my silver. It almost came to that. Some “conman”, eh?

I could go on and on. I’ve told my story this far just to give the reader something of myself to latch onto — the sense that there is a real guy behind the nom de guerre, who is disgusted with the state of the world, who cries when children are slaughtered and who bleeds when cut, who grew up fishing and hunting in Colorado, then in Oklahoma, where he was a varsity high school wrestler, then into the student loan mill where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and English Literature with a minor in Ancient Greek, followed by an M.A. in English Composition, a guy who got out of graduate school and realized he’d spent all that time and money unpreparing himself for life in The Machine, and who finally realized that he was congenitally incapable of making peace with it.

A guy who lived through 9/11 in NYC and less than two years later migrated to Asia vowing never to fund another missile strike.

I chose the name James Farganne (pronounced “far gone”) because there is music I’ve composed and recorded and released out there on the internet to which my real name will forever be tied. When I decided to put down the guitar and take up the (s)word, I didn’t want the music associated with my new endeavors. I wanted a clean break, a fresh start. The name came to me one day in a reverie.

At the end of the day, in this cyber-medium through which we choose to interact, we must all keep our B.S. detectors finely calibrated and make judgement calls as to whom we accept to be honest and real. I hope this article has lent weight to my testimony that the man in the screen grab is indeed Jim Stone, that I am his accomplice on a different continent, and that Mr. MacGregor is quite mistaken when he makes the claim that Stone is another manifestation of Joe Vialls.

On top of this, if you are still in doubt, review the work I have posted at this blog, and then do the same at Jim’s site. It will quickly become apparent to you (in case the slanderers have put certain ideas in your head) that Jim and I are two real and very different men with different talents and different styles.

Now I will turn my weary attention to Mr. MacGregor’s comments on the Fuku report itself:

“Jim Stone moved the centre of the earthquake and resultant tsunami, then reduced its actual size, and then brought in evidence that the Fukushima nuclear power plant had also been struck by the ‘Stuxnet Virus’, the same computer virus that had struck the Iranian nuclear power plants in the previous year. Nobody ever asked Jim where and how he actually obtained this information.”

Jim did not “move the centre” of the earthquake. Again engaging in that activity called RESEARCH, he found the Japanese seismograms, which proved the USGS ones fraudulent. The Japanese seismograms showed that there was no mag 9 quake out in the ocean. Instead, there were five simultaneous inland quakes of far lesser magnitude.

As for the tsunami, Jim did not “reduce its actual size”. He found out that the flooding did not subsume the transformers — maybe that’s what you’re talking about, otherwise I haven’t a clue.

The Fukushima Report’s footnotes made Jim’s sources abundantly clear.

“The really interesting part of Jim Stone’s explanation of the actual damage to the Fukushima Nuclear plant is that it was damaged by ‘nuclear bombs’ placed in the reactor rooms by an ‘Israeli’ inspection team. Well there goes the need for the ‘Stuxnet Virus’.”

This statement proves you didn’t study the report. Stuxnet alone was sufficient to take out Reactors 1 and 2, but Reactors 3 and 4 had been so extensively overbuilt that the virus alone would not have been sufficient to wreck them.

REACTOR 4 WAS FUKUSHIMA’S BUILDING 7. It was shut down that day, with its fuel removed.

On top of this, you’re dismissing a wealth of hard facts incriminating Mossad — too many to enumerate here. But if I had to choose one, how about this one, Mr. MacGregor? Can you explain how Israel was able to remotely monitor the containments in the wake of the attack via an illegal internet data link? How could such a link have been in place unless Magna BSP, the Dimona-based Israeli firm running security at Daiichi, put it there?

As far as I can tell, Mr. MacGregor, you have not read the Fukushima Report, and your argument that Jim Stone is in fact Joe Vialls is predicated only on your observation that Jim referenced Vialls’ articles. Is that all you’ve got? Really?

You’re a retired Australian police officer. Could the following article have done anything to provoke your baseless libel of my friend?


I’m just really grasping for some kind of motive, that’s all.

When you libel someone and denigrate their work, Mr. MacGregor, you had best be able to back it up. You gave no evidence for your allegations. I have given strong evidence against them. I have knocked the ball so hard that I doubt it is even in your court.

To download the latest (printable) edition of the Fukushima Report:


My Australian radio interview:


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