Jewish Yinon Zionism Is a False Religious and Imperial Plan for the Middle East

New Covenant Theology – by Gary Anderson

Zionism is the reason that many Jews seek war in the middle east. These Jews (not all Jews) do not want to live in peace with the Arab neighbors. No, these Jews want to dominate those neighbors and this is similar to how God’s chosen nation of Israel dominated in the Old Testament.

But the only problem is that Israel is no longer God’s chosen nation as a nation, in the New Covenant age.  

[Now, some elect Jews will come into the fold of believers in Christ. But they will come in asindividuals, not as physical nation. My natural father was Jewish. I am a descendent of the Jews. I was adopted at age 3 months. I have been called to Christ at age 21.]

So, therefore, the policy that makes Israel always willing to fight or get the USA, my nation, to fight, regardless of the risk and danger, regardless of the imprudence, is a false religious doctrine to return to the glory of Old Israel.

Not all Zionism is unacceptable, and is simply a Jewish nationalism, a return to ones roots, but the Zionism that seeks to establish dominance over Arab neighbors is a false pseudo-religious concept that has no validity in the New Covenant age.

And we have to understand that many religious Jews are not Zionists at all! These Jews have been persecuted by the Zionists in the past.Many Jews have believed that Zionism is thuggish and destructive and aggressive. We see the dangers of that aggression in the Middle East as the neocons have embraced the most forceful of the Zionist models, Yinon.

Yinon is a dangerous form of a manifest destiny doctrine adopted by the neocons 

Israel is a nation like any other, subject to the limitations and frailty that other nations have in the New Covenant age. The need to dominate the middle east is a religious and political doctrine. It is a militant Zionist doctrine. It corresponds to the neocon political doctrine seen on CNN and on Fox News.

Some have said that this militant and dominant Zionism seeks to stretch the Israeli state to Syria, including part of Egypt, part of Iraq and Jordan. Control of the Nile Valley and the Euphrates is included in this “Greater Israel”. This Yinon Plan was an historic British plan for Israel.

There is some proof that militant Zionism was established by Zionists who weren’t even practicing Jews. They weren’t even believers in God as Paul had said about his Jewish Brethren. Paul said that they had a zeal for God but not according to knowledge. They had not been called but had a national zeal for Israel as religious patriots. But even that was not a saving zeal!

But many original Zionists were Bolsheviks, and didn’t practice Judaism at all. They had no misplaced zeal for God. They had only a zeal for nationalism and a return to Old Testament power and dominance.

So these militant Zionists who seek to dominate the middle east and who continually occupy Palestinian lands out of a religious and imperial fervency, are actually teaching false religion that has no place in the New Covenant age and that has no place in the community of nations!

I have asked Abraham Foxman of ADL, by email numerous times, if it is moral to kill Americans in a false flag attack that would protect Israel or get America in a war with Israel’s enemies. He has never answered the question!

I believe that could mean he does not think that is immoral! If that is the case this is what America is up against when looking at a militant Zionism!

Believers pray for peace, but we know that the USA does not even follow her national interests. She spends much time as a nation trying to carry out regime change and other acts that the Israelis think are in their national interest, but of course are not. These particular Jews do not care about the America people. These Yinon Zionists are willing to kill Americans to get their way, and believe it is moral!

It is evident that the Yinon Zionists want to establish Israel as a world power, and ultimately dominate the United States and every nation on the face of the earth! That is something we all should ponder.

Many middle east states have Jihad. But Israel’s goals for her holy war is world domination!

So far Russia, a power who can destroy the world, has shown restraint, in Iraq, in Libya, etc. But this restraint may come to an end one day. This is something that men of faith and those without faith or with pretend faith should seek to make known to our leaders. Our leaders must be restrained from doing all that Israel mistakenly asks of us in a world with so much risk. Yinon is a dangerous game.

But no matter how it turns out, it is the will of God. And the end of the earth is surely near. In that, the elect can rejoice.

4 thoughts on “Jewish Yinon Zionism Is a False Religious and Imperial Plan for the Middle East

  1. “But many original Zionists were Bolsheviks, and didn’t practice Judaism at all. They had no misplaced zeal for God. They had only a zeal for nationalism and a return to Old Testament power and dominance.”

    This is the mind-set of many. Same for the Christians. They want to make the prophecies come true. In reality, these zealots are being used by the bankers to achieve the banker’s goal of dominance over finance, resources and mankind.

    The concept of God is real, but religion is a scam. No one people have a monopoly on God. God is that from which all began. That includes all people, planets and even those from distant galaxies. It’s not that complicated. Money Creation, Religion and War – the scams that perpetuate evil.

  2. Good article but you left out one very important fact: the evil Talmud, the “holy book” of Judaism, is what Jews as Zionists claim is the bases fro them to rule the world and enslave us Gentiles. You are Jewish, no? then read the (literally) God-damned Talmud!

  3. So are these Yinon Zionists the same or different than the Khazar Zionist Jews? I thought Zionists were the type of Jews. Now there is a type of Zionist Jew? I’m confused.

    Man this shit gets deeper and deeper. Who is the final group of Jews called that is trying to manipulate and destroy us all? We need to get the facts straight before we start going up against our enemy here. We need to know exactly which crazy Jews we are fighting against here.

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