Jim Traficant – Framed

Published on Jun 20, 2012 by Project Camelot

I met the former U.S. Congressman Jim Traficant at the June Conspiracy Con conference where we were both speaking. His story is fascinating and revealing not only because it demonstrates the role and the power of the Israel lobby in America but because as a Congressman he acted with the courage of his convictions. A rare thing indeed.

Framed, and imprisoned in the U.S. for a crime he did not commit for nearly eight years, he is now a free man and he is talking. This man is a true White Hat and a real American patriot standing up for what is right.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

To read Jim Traficant’s book go to: http://americaslastminuteman.com

2 thoughts on “Jim Traficant – Framed

    1. Yes she is. I’ve been following her since way back when her and Bill Ryan were working together. She has a knack for digging deep for information. She knows alot.

      I hear, through mutual friends who are in touch with Bill, that he has moved to Vilcabamba, Ecuador and gotten married.
      . . .

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