John Kerry Says Global Elite May Use Military Force To Achieve Climate Compliance

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

John Kerry used his appearance at COP28 in Dubai to declare that all nation states in the world must bow down to the global elite’s climate agenda, including Agenda 2030 and net zero, or face the possibility of coercive military action.

According to Kerry, a World Economic Forum agenda contributor, the global elite may be forced to condone military action against recalcitrant states that do not comply with their agenda.

Kerry admitted he is becoming “more and more” militant about the climate agenda because people are avoiding responsibility and not doing as they are told, focusing on countries that continue building coal fired power plants, stating:

Kerry spoke at the conference during the first dedicated “Health Day” designed to highlight the connections between the climate crisis and health crises, The Hill reports.

He said the climate and health issues including future pandemics are one and the same, a message he delivers on his endless private jet flights around the world talking about the “climate crisis.”

Kerry justified the threat of military action by saying he does not “understand how adults who are in positions of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis.”

Climate czar Kerry previously threatened US farmers with extinction, claiming that the only way for the elite to achieve their “net zero” climate goals is for farmers all around the world to stop growing food.

Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, recently told an audience at the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) AIM for Climate Summit that “we can’t get to net zero, we won’t get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.”

Kerry is serving as the inaugural U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, having been nominated by Joe Biden in November, 2020.


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