John McCain Caught Lying on CNN Piers Morgan 9/12/2013

Published on Sep 13, 2013 by bigpzonevideos

Sen. John McCain talks to CNN’s Piers Morgan about the situation in Syria and in Congress.. Notice John McCains very last statement when asked about the CIA supplying arms to Syrian Rebels. He”the fool he is” says It is all lies “that the CIA is not arming rebels” and They “CIA” is not giving them the weapons they need.

27 thoughts on “John McCain Caught Lying on CNN Piers Morgan 9/12/2013

  1. there is not a more blatant traitor to our country, the usofa, than McCain
    How that man looks himself in the mirror each day….at what is showing itself, is beyond my understanding………….
    honestly, he lost his marbles a long time ago, if he even had any to begin with….
    and he makes it on to the media stage any time he wants….
    It takes one to know one….
    which puts the media right there beside the guy………two peas of a pod!
    Be alert……………Public…..Wake UP

    1. “How that man looks himself in the mirror each day”
      Keep in mind that a lack of conscience and a complete inability to feel shame are basic attributes of psychopathy. Psychopathy is inherited. It was John McCain’s father who handled the cover-up of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, a job requiring a complete lack of conscience if I ever saw one.

      I’ve been wondering lately if Arizona’s voters are really stupid enough to keep returning this slimeball to office, or if Arizona’s voting system is so corrupted that we shouldn’t blame the voters. Take your pick.

  2. Is this really news? When was McCain ever caught telling the truth?

    I’m surprised they can keep that lunatic lucid long enough to do an interview.

  3. Amen to that, when is ‘Insane’ McCain telling a lie a news story?

    But it needs to get out to the uniformed who still think McCain is some kind of ‘straight talking’ hero.

  4. Mc,Cain… By all accounts, here in AZ. I think that this will be his last year as a senator. People are getting sick of him, here. It’s been the older Barry Goldwater crowd that has kept him in office, and of course the fraudulent electronic black box voting system. But, now even the old crowd is seeing him for what he really is.

    I sure wish we could get enough of a movement to change our voting system together, other wise nothing will ever change without force.

    1. The voting system change we need is to skip the politicians altogether. “Proxy democracy” is a throwback to when our communications were so slow we had to appoint (vote for) proxies to make the long, arduous trip to the capitol to make decisions for us. Now the entire nation can make decisions on the internet faster than Congress can yak about it. The argument that voting on the internet wouldn’t be secure doesn’t hold water. First of all, the current voting system isn’t secure, either. Second, it’s all a matter of incentives. If the banks can keep your credit card billing straight based on a sixteen-digit number, the same technology can be used for voting. If you catch someone hacking the vote, hang them.

      1. Gerald Celente has been talking about starting a new voting system where the people vote directly through the internet. I like the idea. We need to do something about it, now, not later. We hear about fixing the voting system right around the time of election, then right after the election it dies down. We need to push it hard and keep the idea out there and get it changed.

          1. Right, #1. That has been a major problem with our current political system, where it is an affordable proposition for one group to simply buy BOTH candidates.

            But as much as I would love to see a change to “Direct Digital Democracy” (guided by strict adherence to the Constitution, of course) I can’t imagine what a cataclysmic upheaval it would take to bring it about. Our current reps and senators are hardly likely to vote for their own political suicide, and if such a plan as laid out in an amendment to the constitution ever made it to the 50 state houses for a vote, state legislators would certainly realize that they were voting on their own political suicide, too, because they would be next. Politicians LIKE the way things are because corruption is enormously profitable not to mention the wild parties with beautiful women paid by lobbyists to be “nice” to the legislators present. Who would want to go home and get a real job when life inside the beltway is so good?

            The best we might be able to hope for is leaving the current system in place but putting a new official polling system over it in which legislators were bound by law to cast their vote on the floor strictly according to what their constituents told them to do. No more bankster bailouts when the telephone calls are running 9 to 1 against it. No more new wars when the people are screaming “NO!” at the top of their lungs. That would be an expensive alternative to leave the 535 corrupt idiots in place when a single mainframe computer could do the job better, but it would be a start in the right direction.

          2. Tom,
            Our country is a Republic, not a democracy and most certainly not a mobacracy. To think that an online democracy is any less destructive than any other democracy our founders warned us against is foolish.
            We do not need to change anything. All we need to do is ENFORCE OUR LAW. Our representative form of government is the best form of government when we, as individuals, are enforcing our rights absolute, as there is zero confusion if we enforce our rights which give us, as individuals, the right to a Title 3 Common Law Court. Then it only takes one of us to shut down an outrage.
            To think you can accomplish the same thing using collective thought, including the stupid, is stupid.
            Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. John Adams
            Our founders, in putting we, as individuals, as the absolute authority via the first 10 Articles, our Bill of Rights for the Constitution, made it impossible for tyranny to ever be exercised over us so long as we understand who we are and have the balls to assert our rights as the absolute law in this country. They can only do to us what we allow them to do. So f#@k democracy and every other collective ideology that asserts group will over individual absolute authority over one’s life and property.

          3. Well stated, Henry, and absolutely correct. I had just finished reading his comment, and naturally that was the first thing that caught my attention. Then your comment came up. Beat me to it again. 🙂

          4. This is why I inserted the key words: “guided by strict adherence to the Constitution, of course”. We have a “republic” now (not a democracy) but our legislators are no longer obeying it. We may have a right to a Title 3 common law court, but who is using that route, and who would obey its decisions? The government has clearly gone rogue and we need to put on our thinking caps and come up with something to stop it, and soon.

            As for stupid running amok in the voting population, who could argue with that? But stupid isn’t a given of the human condition, it’s an engineered outcome of a government-captured education system and a corporate-captured media system. These are both correctable. The alternative media on the internet is making huge inroads on informing the public, and has just made an historic first of stopping (or at least delaying) WWIII against the wishes of the corrupt rulers.

            The point of spreading the responsibility for making the nation’s decisions over a broader base than just 535 legislators is that the larger the number of deciders, the more difficult and expensive it gets to corrupt more than 50% of them. I am in complete agreement with Henry about warding off the collectivist mindset that plagues us now and steals our individual rights. However, every nation will have decisions that need to be made concerning how that nation manages its affairs, and the system we have now of having 535 corruptible proxies make the decisions for us is not working. If we make the leap to “having the balls to assert our rights” in the form of shooting the evil folks who are taking them from us, then all bets are off on the outcome.

            We owe it to ourselves to try some peaceful reforms to our national decision-making process before the bullets start flying. Humans have a basic, built-in sense of morality and fairness, at least the 96% of humans who are not psychopaths. When our institutions of governance tend to become dominated by the 4% who are psychopaths, who would you rather entrust decision-making to, the 96% or the 4%? The choice we face is not between having a republic where all decisions are individual and no group decisions are ever necessary, versus all decisions are always collectivist and will be made by a stupid mob. The choice is between a corruptible few making our decisions for us, often in violation of our republic’s constitution, or engaging in a national educational campaign to teach the people what a republic is and what our constitution says, then trusting the innate human sense of morality and fairness to guide a decision-making process which is spread out over an informed, non-psychopathic electorate.

          5. “We owe it to ourselves to try some peaceful reforms to our national decision-making process before the bullets start flying.”

            Dead wrong on that one, Tom.

            Given the Satanic nature of the enemy, our ONLY option left is:



          6. You are still not getting it, Tom. When our Bill of Rights is enforced verbatim, it is impossible to have a government we do not want. It has been our failure as individuals to enforce our absolute rights that has caused this mess. Our original Constitution was not flawed and will function as intended so long as the people enforce their rights absolute. Because if we enforce our rights absolute, the Constitution can only serve us. All of the so called amendments that have turned the Constitution on its head to give power to the government instead of to the people are violations of our Bill of Rights.
            The Constitution will not be touched except to remove those things that were added expressly to infringe upon the individual’s rights and anyone, repeat anyone, who tries to tamper with the Constitution in reference to its original form, not to be confused with the rewriting after the Civil War, will be eliminated for the sedition they will be attempting.
            Our Bill of Rights was and is the 1st Ten Articles for the Constitution for the united States of the Americas. They were not amendments. They were and are the representation of the authority for the contract of, for, and by we the people. That is why they are unalienable, because if they are infringed, the authority for the constitutional contract ceases to exist. The government ceases to exist and the people enforce their rights at the barrel of the gun, as it was prior to the contract.
            Again, all we need to do is enforce our law and everything else will work correctly because it absolutely has to.

  5. Agreed, #1, but can I hold out hope for sanity to prevail while we prepare for the worst? Look at the last one, and you’ll see that Americans don’t do civil war in a gentle way. It’s obvious that the government is preparing for civil war with us, or at least using certain large purchases to intimidate us into thinking that we have no chance of winning against them. I think they’re wrong, but proving it isn’t going to be pretty and is best avoided. Even Sun Tzu recognized that the best war strategy is one that wins before violence commences, and we still have that possibility before us.

    Calling our adversaries “Satanic” may be useful as a shorthand title, but I believe that seeing the threat humanity (not just the US) faces as a takeover by a sub-species is more accurate. You are right, they do want to kill us so they can have the planet to themselves, in the same way Cro-magnon Man didn’t like sharing the landscape with Neanderthals. I’m sure Cro-magnon Man saw himself as superior to Neanderthals, just like psychopaths see themselves as superior to normals. I’m not sure now whether the world would be a better place if Neanderthals had won and Cro-Magnons had lost, but I can definitely say this world will not be a good place if psychopaths win. Come to think of it, psychopaths have already won at least a temporary victory in that they run most important governing bodies around the world, and that is why the world is already in such bad shape. In typical lying fashion the psychopathic elites are now trying to ram Agenda 21 down our throats as good for us, even though it explicitly means killing 90% of us. There should be a Nobel Prize for chutzpah!

    1. “Calling our adversaries “Satanic” may be useful as a shorthand title, but I believe that seeing the threat humanity (not just the US) faces as a takeover by a sub-species is more accurate.”

      Satanic is absolutely accurate, Tom. As I’ve stated a number of times before, whether you believe in God and Satan, or don’t, matters not. THEY do. They worship Satan, literally. They sacrifice children to him, and they await THEIR messiah (in place of the true Messiah, which they murdered 2000 years ago) the Antichrist. This point is not even debatable, as I’ve done more than enough research on this subject to be able to state this unequivocably as fact.

      The most accurate description of these monsters would undoubtedly be Satanic psychopaths.

  6. I agree with Henry that the contract We the People had (past tense) with our government was voided when the government went in breach of it. The question now is how we go about getting a new government which will respect the Constitution without going through the same catastrophic bloodshed and destruction that we went through the last time Americans decided to have a no-holds-barred slugfest with each other.

    This is getting very serious, as all of us feel and have spoken about the tension here this morning. If you want to know how serious this is getting, take a look at this article here:

    1. If every American sovereign understood who they are and what their rights are, had a year’s worth of food stored, a war rifle, and 10,000 rounds of ammunition, they would have never tried this. It is the failure of the generations before us that have left us to deal with this problem.
      The enemy: they are hard core Bolsheviks, they are not just going to stop stealing and go away because we have figured out who they are. They will have to be removed and they will throw every mercenary they can hire at us in their attempt to keep their hands in our cookie jar. This is why we must not only defeat them, but annihilate them in such a horrific manner that it will be a long long time before anybody thinks about trying this shit again. When we get it back, it will be easy to keep. All we have to do is teach our children well. War rifle, 10,000 rounds of ammo, a year’s worth of food, and an absolute refusal to accept any infringement.

    2. reading over these comments…seems some upfront realities are being over looked.
      1st…the US Const….after being written…and thought to be the law of the land…
      has never been fully followed by the Federal Government. i can not quote such and such in this regard. i do recall reading articles written by constitutional scholars who pointed out just that….It was plainly clear also….
      Also for this republic to work….and our guaranteed freedoms upheld, we need not expect the const to be followed tick for tick…and no changes need be made to it….

      2nd thing is………fighting with bullets is a bad idea…i don’t believe this country is close to doing that……Violence begets more violence rather carried out by Patriots or Gov forces….always been that way with people….So Violence is not the answer………Can there, will there be some………in our own land over the fed’s as evil as they are?
      Perhaps………..what’s being missed in the national discussion concerning this evil fed gov……is that
      My opinion only, many many millions of people will not follow martial law orders…including some state gov’s local gov’s, like cities and counties and such an order will quickly become a dud………null and void……..i don’t care if there is a false flag nuc…of some area of our land………If there is a natural disaster as a comet striking…we can handle that also……and my latest reading, indicates that is one possibility of the Fed Gov…doing the things recently and not informing the public about the truth……..
      Thing is…….always keep your wits about you…always, no matter what happens…and don’t start killing people just off the cuff….
      These few words may sound simplistic as an explanation of tomorrow………..
      As for myself, I am a surviving combat veteran of Viet Nam…1969…the fighting I was involved in was light..just as real though….
      people get through these things….I am confident we americans will live to get back our fed gov………at least to where it was, say 1900 without the Private Banking system that has caused so my of our downfall…………..
      If before its my time to pass away, i can just see that event will see the happiest guy in the country, right here.

      1. I don’t know what to think about the near future but I do know that the psychopaths in office will only submit to force. Once the military and police departments realize that they are following illegal orders to shoot their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, they will lay down their arms and be awakened to the farce giving them the order. This is why we have the Russians and Chinese training in our country. I believe the psychopaths realize that it would be difficult to order our own troops to shoot Americans.

        1. even then………..
          look these state national guard troops really belong to the states….they are composed of locals…they are armed they are trained…they are patriots……and If anyone thinks these individuals as members are going to just go home………Wrong…The state leadership is also with these people, can’t stand washington.
          They will take their military hardware their training and gather all others like myself and their are millions….and go get the invaders….
          And I’ll be one of the first son’s a bitches in the column….on the offense…
          Just talk to JD on this…
          there are tons of people like us across the united states….
          But first of all violence is not the answer….
          If it has to be, then it has to be………….
          In my bottom opinion, the US Gov knows better than to do such a thing…
          Not only that…….parts of the active military……….No they won’t lay down their arms…….they will turn those arms, their training also, on invaders…and wash politicians who are responsible for doing this to all of us……….
          Bull shit………The mother fu..ers are just like obama………couldn’t lead a piss ant our of a mud puddle………
          where is GW B with his bring um on………..he has conviently slid away so will the rest of them………
          Does it mean we shouldn’t be ready……..No it Does Not
          Mental preparation is the biggest thing…
          thats too detailed to be much good here but don’t be afraid that somehow well, maybe I don’t have it………….Yes you do…….You got it…….it will come to you,….or at the time needed someone local will help you get grounded…… don’t cower before this ….Fed Monster….
          it is evil……no doubt…It is not all that it wants every one to believe……..well I won’t say much more…….
          Keep talking that helps………to one another even on this site and don’t feel belittled by comments you might make which show age or something… thats a major part of this sites work…………speak up

          1. “But first of all violence is not the answer….”

            Henry and I have both used The Terminator analogy before, and NOTHING comes closer to describing the reality of our situation than it does.

            They will not stop, EVER, until we are dead.

            I know of no answer to that OTHER than violence.

            Termination (theirs) with extreme prejudice.

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