JUST IN: Israeli army radio military correspondent says Israel occupied parts of Syria without firing a single bullet. Here’s an exclusive first look: the Syrian outpost that was captured by fighters from the 101st Paratrooper Battalion without firing a single shot. As of today, as you can see, it has become a fully Israeli outpost.

One thought on “JUST IN: Israeli army radio military correspondent says Israel occupied parts of Syria without firing a single bullet. Here’s an exclusive first look: the Syrian outpost that was captured by fighters from the 101st Paratrooper Battalion without firing a single shot. As of today, as you can see, it has become a fully Israeli outpost.

  1. this is how you know we already have a one world govt. Assad didn’t even try to pretend he was gonna defend Syria. you can’t take over a drug deal without firing a shot but an entire country?! Suuuurre!! it’s beyond disgusting repugnant sickening.. I have so much rage and hate in me…

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