Kansas to Criminalize Complaints Against Cops

Published on Mar 25, 2014 by JmanPrepper Redux

House Bill 2698 in the Kansas State legislature has run cold, but if enacted, it would deal a serious blow to anyone who has a complaint against cops. The bill would remove the option to complain anonymously, allow the cop in question to see the evidence against him or her before investigation, prevent the FBI or other agencies from looking into complaints the cops deemed fraudulent, and perhaps worst of all, criminalize the filing of a complaint that is dismissed by cops. The Resident discusses this whole ball of crazy.

Read Complete article Below from the Washington Post here:

Kansas could make it a felony to report unfounded allegations of police abuse

A pretty awful new bill (PDF) in the Kansas legislature would require anyone filing a complaint against a police officer to swear an affidavit before the complaint will be investigated. If any portion of the complaint is later shown to be false, the complainant could then be prosecuted for perjury.

That’s bad enough. But the bill also has a couple other troubling provisions. First, it lets officers who are the subject of complaints avoid answering questions until they’re given the complaint with all documenting evidence in its entirety. No respectable police detective would conduct an investigation this way. Any police interrogator will tell you that you never let a suspect know everything you know about the allegations against him. A good cop will have a true story that exonerates him, regardless of what’s stated in the complaint or how the complaint is revealed to him. A bad cop who is given the entire complaint can construct a narrative informed by everything the investigators know, safe in the knowledge that there is no additional information that could later contradict him.

Second, the bill would prohibit any police agency from investigating a complaint against an officer if another police agency has already found the complaint to be without merit. In practical terms, that means a sheriff’s department or the state police couldn’t investigate the possibility that a city or town police department was covering up misconduct. It doesn’t happen often, but on a few occasions that sort of investigation has exposed corruption and patterns of misconduct. (This case from Kansas City is instructive, though it occurred on the Missouri side of the border.) Once an officer’s own police agency clears him of wrongdoing, he’s home free.

Fair Use/Source: RT America The Resident
The video posted on this channel is a part of a larger RT America video. The remainder of the video had no bearing and was shortened.

4 thoughts on “Kansas to Criminalize Complaints Against Cops

  1. We’ve slid a long way down the slope of fascism from the time when we had “Civilian complaint review boards”.

    Remember them? It insured that all complaints against cops were reviewed by civilians rather than other cops, and it was a necessary hole in the “blue wall” of silence.

    Now that you’re not even allowed to complain without suffering legal repercussions, I guess you have no choice but to defend yourself against them, by whatever means necessary.

  2. Actually it seems to be high time we let them know tat no matter what law they pass, we are no longer listening or obeying. If we do not turn this around hard in the near future we will be the very thing we were warned about, slaves in a total police state with no rights and no way to redress anything.
    The police are being used to terrorize people and to raise the fear factor so people will feel powerless and alone. This is a step along the way to total enslavement and we are well along that path. The fact that a law such as this can even be contemplated shows our total lack of voice in our own country.
    Illegal immigrants now have more rights than you do. And that is not by accident. If you speak out about it you are labeled and slandered.
    Why is anyone listening to these morons and psychopaths? They can stick their new world order in their behinds and pretend they are peacocks.
    America is almost over now and anyone who disagrees cashes checks from the oppressors or has a head full of sand.
    Well Kansas it was nice knowing you.

  3. “… and perhaps worst of all, criminalize the filing of a complaint that is dismissed by cops.”

    Tick, tock…..

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