Kentucky woman busted using dog urine to pass drug test

New York Post – by Jackie Salo

Urine trouble, lady.

A Kentucky woman was busted after she tried to pass off dog pee as her own to her probation officer, police said. 

Julie Miller, 40, was asked to provide urine for a drug test Monday as part of her scheduled probation visit, according to Pineville Police Department.

But instead, Miller “snuck in a sample of urine” in an attempt to pass it off as her own, authorities said.

Officials determined that the urine didn’t belong to Miller and confronted her about the sample.

She told officers that she brought urine from her dog because she knew that she would fail the drug test, admitting to using methamphetamine and the painkiller Suboxone.

Miller was arrested and booked into Bell County Detention Center, where she faces charges for trafficking in a controlled substance and tampering with physical evidence.

3 thoughts on “Kentucky woman busted using dog urine to pass drug test

  1. This is a clear violation of:
    Article IV
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    Probation from conviction of self medicating. Cutting out the government will get you in hot water. That is just plain f**ked up to the nth degree! All the more reason for self governance, or as they term it, ANARCHY!!

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