Klaus Schwab Admits ‘Political Revolution’ Against The ‘Great Reset’ Is Destroying His Agenda

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has admitted the people of the world have rejected his “Great Reset” plan for humanity and have risen up against the establishment.

However, rather than admit that his anti-human agenda, which is based on outdated Marxist principles, is a failure, Schwab is doubling down, and threatening to impose his agenda by force.

According to Schwab, the future of elections must involve decision-making AI because the people have proven themselves unworthy to be trusted to make choices for themselves, .


9 thoughts on “Klaus Schwab Admits ‘Political Revolution’ Against The ‘Great Reset’ Is Destroying His Agenda

  1. I smell FEAR!! Theirs. They may finally be getting a sense of the over 7 billion enemies they face. And poor Klaus, so mixed up. He simply CANNOT imagine a world in which he is not one of the arch dictators.

    The world is becoming so un-safe. ——–> FOR THEM!!!!


    1. And yet they all still live, continue to jet around the world untouched, carry on spewing out their vile filth & commit the most heinous of crimes every day. Never forget that psychological warfare is all about convincing you that lies are truth & truth is lies. Propaganda is their most successful weapon to date. Treat EVERY report with suspicion & only rejoice when the bodies actually start hitting the floor. Hope & mercy are for the weak. Vengeance must & will be ours.

    2. Is it me, or does ol’ Klaus look like he’s lacking in the face dept? Kinda reminds one of ‘melting face’. Guess he hasn’t gotten his supply of dead babies (and blood) lately.

  2. Time to step up our game folks and crush the fucjers find them in their holes and smoke them out ..take no prisoners, leave them for dead .. you want to win this right ? than you have to be ruthless to the core, just like they were to you with their agendas

  3. Ha, get a load of this headline:

    House Republicans Introduce Legislation To Defund World Economic Forum

    Hmmm, thought I, this looks like an election-year, pro-Trump move. They’re going up against “the globalists” so they can elect/select a “real” nationalist for the people: Trump. (Fool me once… You know the rest). So much spin herein, but here’s the deceptive link from the deceptive site:


    And some are propping up that new Argentinian president as a beacon of freedom. I heard him speak a couple of days ago, saying all the popular anti-socialism things, elevating the peoples’ authority, and in a way that only a connected conniver could. He spoke about the world being in such a good place and that it’s been a while since economies were doing so well, and we currently have a prolonged peace happening. So I’m listening and waiting for something about GENOCIDE, just one little crumb that he may allude to it, but NOTHING!! NADA!! NOT A THING!!! In fact, unless I missed it, there was no mention of it in the whole WEF (We Eradicate Freedom) circus. It was as if they dance through the lie thinking we don’t notice the intentional avoidance.

    Aside: I call on everything good in life, everything strong and righteous, fill me with the fortitude and focus to fight the fight, to see and recognize my moment of engagement, and to be brave, ruthless, vicious.


  4. Vat about zee ztakeholder capitalists?! Zey vill not be happy about ziss. Zee people vant zeir fgree enterpgrise! Ziss ve must not allow!

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