Konstantine Anthony- the Mayor of Burbank, California, received a spanking from a drag queen in front of children at a Democrat campaign event yesterday.

One thought on “Konstantine Anthony- the Mayor of Burbank, California, received a spanking from a drag queen in front of children at a Democrat campaign event yesterday.

  1. This is another way they keep mocking us. It’s their method of ATTEMPTING to show us who’s in charge and that would be PERVERTED IDIOTS!! Well, they’re bringing the fight closer to home.

    So this was a news headline today, Drag Queen Spanks Mayor. Funny, when I woke up early this morning I thought, “Wow!! It’s 9/11. There’s gonna be some juicy stories out there.” So wrong was I. Hardly a mention. Shoved to a small corner on CNN’s front page. And even on alternative sites, hardly anything. The dust bin of time is getting full. But some keep sweeping the dust away. And look!! Everyone is pointing at MOSSAD!!


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