Made in China ☭ Must See

Published on Sep 22, 2012 by djgabrielpresents

This a short clip from a four part series on China hosted by Ted Koppel. The series is called The People’s Republic of Capitalism. The common complaint that the Chinese are taking jobs away from American workers is in many cases true. China has lifted 300 million people out of poverty in less than a generation That’s a population, pretty much the size of the United States. The name of the game now is to bring the remaining billion out of poverty and they are going to be our competitors for oil, they are going to be our competitors for water.…

All credits to: Ted Koppel, Athena

4 thoughts on “Made in China ☭ Must See

  1. Our government (through coercive minimum wage laws) and unions (through coercive strikes) are to blame for this. Unions used to brag that their coercive practices brought extreme wage inflation, even to non-union labor. Well, they priced American labor right out of the world market, didn’t they? Coercion works for a while … until it doesn’t. Too bad that dynamic hasn’t put government workers into the soup lines with unemployed union workers yet.

    1. Lets not forget how the .gov have legislated just about everything out of the country by more or less making it impossible for them to even be in business in the USA.

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