Marine Links Serco’s Digital Fires To 8(a) Tor In The Middle, Jade-Helm Joint-Chiefs Hack

Abel Danger

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s Digital Fires training program to the SBA 8(a) companies (ICE, Inc. and VATC) which have allegedly been hired and coordinated through the onion router (Tor) network to set up a man-in-the middle hack during the Jade Helm exercise of The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

McConnell has explained how Serco used an 8(a) Tor clock on Boeing E-4B aircraft for the 9/11 hack of the specially modified C-135 [Speckled Trout’] carrying General Henry Shelton, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to a NATO conference in Budapest, Hungary, before his scheduled return via London where he was to be knighted by the Queen [Marines ask “Why?”].  

Note that Sercos digital fires attack on 9/11 was synchronized with the 8(a) Tor clock to disrupt CJCS communications with C-in-C.

McConnell notes that Sercos FAA Contract Towers must have used the 8(a) Tor clock to relay man-in-the-middle messages via the E-4B to Sheltons Speckled Trout which was denied permission to enter US airspace after 9:45 am on 9/11 and only landed in the US at 4:40 p.m.!

General Shelton only reached the Pentagon’s National Military Command Center at 5:40 p.m. by which time Serco had completed the first phase of its digital fires attack on the United States through an 8(a) Tor man-in-the-middle hack of the Joint Chiefs and President Bush’s Red Switch Network.

Transportation Secretary [and former Japanese WWII internee] Norman Mineta’s 9/11 Testimony


McConnell is warning Marine General Joseph Dunford that Serco is preparing a sequel digital fires attack on the Joint Chiefs by installing 8(a) Torclocks under a phony Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Training Systems Support contract at 6 sites around the world so that Serco 8(a) protégés can switch the Jade Helm exercise into live-fire hack in under 60 minutes.

Digital Fires Instructor Serco – Camp Pendleton, CA Posted 377 days ago Uses information derived from all military disciplines (e.g., aviation, ground combat, command and control, combat service support, intelligence, and opposing forces) to determine changes in enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable courses of action.”

7:15 a.m. September 11, 2001: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Shelton Takes Off for NATO Meeting in Hungary The specially modified C-135 nicknamed Speckled Trout.’ [Source: United States Air Force] General Henry Shelton, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, takes off to fly to Europe for a NATO conference, and will therefore be away from the US when the 9/11 terrorist attacks occur. [GIESEMANN, 2008, PP. 20, 22SHELTON, LEVINSON, AND MCCONNELL, 2010, PP. 430-433] Shelton is scheduled to attend a meeting of the Military Committee—NATO’s highest military authority—in Budapest, Hungary, on September 12, to discuss the situation in the Balkans, the European Security and Defense Identity, and NATO’s new force structure. On his return journey, he is set to stop in London, Britain, to be knighted by the Queen. [NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION, 9/10/2001NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION, 9/11/2001SHELTON, LEVINSON, AND MCCONNELL, 2010, PP. 430]Shelton takes off from Andrews Air Force Base, just outside Washington, DC, on a specially modified C-135 (the military version of a Boeing 707) nicknamed Speckled Trout.” Normally he flies on a VIP Boeing 757 often used by the vice president, but that aircraft is presently unavailable, so he is flying instead on the C-135, which is usually reserved for the Air Force chief of staff. Those accompanying Shelton on the flight include his wife, Carolyn; his executive assistant, Colonel Doug Lute; his aides, Master Sergeant Mark Jones and Lieutenant Commander Suzanne Giesemann; and his personal security agent, Chief Warrant Officer Marshall McCants. [GIESEMANN, 2008, PP. 20-22SHELTON, LEVINSON, AND MCCONNELL, 2010, PP. 431, 434] When Shelton is out of the country, General Richard Myers, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is designated by law as acting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in his place. Shelton will later recall, “Until I crossed back into United States airspace, all the decisions would be [Myers’s] to make, in conjunction with Secretary [of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld and the president.” [MYERS, 2009, PP. 10SHELTON, LEVINSON, AND MCCONNELL, 2010, PP. 432] After learning of the attacks in New York, Shelton will give the order for his plane to return to the US (see (8:50 a.m.-10:00 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [GIESEMANN, 2008, PP. 22-23SHELTON, LEVINSON, AND MCCONNELL, 2010, PP. 431However, the plane will repeatedly be denied permission to enter US airspace (see (After 9:45 a.m.) September 11, 2001) and will only land back in the US at 4:40 p.m. (see 4:40 p.m. September 11, 2001).Shelton will only arrive at the National Military Command Center at the Pentagon an hour after that (see 5:40 p.m. September 11, 2001). [FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, 9/11/2001  MYERS, 2009, PP. 159AIR FORCE MAGAZINE, 9/2011 ]
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: All Day of 9/11 Events

Serco Awarded $13 Million Marine Training Systems Support Contract Date : 28 February 2014 Serco Inc., a provider of professional, technology, and management services, announced the award of a new contract to provide training support to the US Marine Corps (USMC). The Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Training Systems Support contract has a one-year base period and one six-month option period valued at nearly $18 million, if the option is exercised.

Under this contract, Serco will support Combat Instructor School training, systems integrations and operations in a classroom and operations center environment in support of MAGTF Staff Training Program Division-sponsored and supported events. Serco will deliver collaborative tools and web development for garrison and tactical event environments. Training support will include warfighting skills and seminars, mission rehearsal exercises, C2 systems, and combat simulation. Serco expects to hire over 100 new employees to support this contract at 6 sites around the world.

“The Marines mission is critical to our national security and we are proud to support them on this effort,” said Dan Allen, Serco Inc.’s Chairman and Chief Executive officer. “Serco is known around the world for the quality of our training programs. We look forward to putting our experience to work for the Marines and to support their vital training requirements.”

Personnel and Readiness is a key capability within Serco’s market offering. The company provides training and simulation to over 1,000 students a month at the US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence in Fort Benning, GA. At Fort Benning, Serco conducts and supports integrated and immersive tactical training exercises up to Brigade level using Live, Virtual, and Constructive Gaming (LVC-G) systems. Serco utilizes integrated exercise systems like Command Post of the Future (CPoF), Future Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2), Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS) and Virtual Battlespace II (VBS2).


For more information, please contact: Alan Hill, VP Corporate Communications
Tel: +1 703 939 6500 and Email:
Download PDF [PDF, 98 KB]
(Please note: this link will open the page in a new browser window)”

Joseph Francis Dunford, Jr. (born December 8, 1955) is a United States Marine Corps general. He is also the 36th and current Commandant of the Marine Corps. Earlier in his career, Dunford served as commander of the International Security Assistance Force and United States Forces-Afghanistan from February 2013 until August 2014.[2] He has commanded several units, including the 5th Marine Regiment during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. On May 5, 2015 President Obama nominated Dunford to be the 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.[3][4] If confirmed as chairman, Dunford will become the highest ranking military officer in the United States Armed Forces.”
“The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) is a body of senior uniformed leaders in the United States Department of Defense who advise the Secretary of Defense, the Homeland Security Council, the National Security Council and the President of the United States on military matters. The composition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is defined by statute and consists of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff(CJCS), Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS), and the Military Service Chiefs from the ArmyNavyAir Force, the Marine Corps, and the Chief of the National Guard Bureau,[1] all appointed by the President following Senate confirmation.[2] Each of the individual Military Service Chiefs, outside of their Joint Chiefs of Staff obligations, works directly for the Secretary of the Military Department concerned, i.e., Secretary of the ArmySecretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force.[3][4][5][6]
Following the Goldwater–Nichols Act in 1986, the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not have operational command authority, neither individually nor collectively, as the chain of command goes from the President to the Secretary of Defense, and from the Secretary of Defense to the Commanders of the Combatant Commands.[7]Goldwater–Nichols also created the office of Vice Chairman, and the Chairman is now designated as the principal military adviser to the Secretary of Defense, the Homeland Security Council, the National Security Council and to the President.[8]
The Joint Staff (JS) is a headquarters staff in the Pentagon, composed of personnel from each of the four Department of Defense armed services, that assists the Chairman and the Vice Chairman in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by theDirector of the Joint Staff (DJS) who is a lieutenant general or Navy vice admiral.[9]
Serco in Action – International Fire Training Centre 


SBA offers 60 minute loan approval from preferred lenders (HSBC) for 8(a) participants to switch a phony war game into a live fire event!


McConnell notes that in 1998, the U.S. Naval Research Lab transferred custody of its onion router to his sister Kristine Marcy, the then-Chief Operating Officer of the Small Business Administration, who allegedly procured Tor timing signals from the Serco NPL cesium clock to synchronize 8(a) live-webcast snuff-film productions with spoliation of evidence at crime scenes.

Onion routing network for securely moving data through communication networks US 6266704 B1 ABSTRACT The onion routing network is used to protect Internet initiators and responders against both eavesdropping and traffic analysis from other users of the Internet. In the onion routing of the invention, instead of making connections directly to a responding machine, users make connections through onion routers. The onion routing network allows the connection between the initiator and responder to remain anonymous. Anonymous connections hide who is connected to whom and for what purpose from outside eavesdroppers.

VATC Provides exercise support to FLINTLOCK 14 VATC Inc. Press Providing Global Strategies for Secure Operations in a Rapidly Changing World VATC PROVIDES EXERCISE SUPPORT TO FLINTLOCK 14 April 2, 2014 Tampa, Florida – Visual Awareness Technologies & Consulting (VATC) was recently selected to provide exercise support during FLINTLOCK 14, an annual regional exercise among African, Western, and U.S. Counterterrorism forces. Directed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and sponsored by Joint-Special Operations Task Force-Trans Sahara (JSOTF-TS), the Special Operations Forces (SOF) exercise develops security capabilities and strengthens bonds among exercise participants. This year’s event, planned by Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA), had more than 500 participants from Burkina Faso, Canada, Chad, France, Italy, Mauritania, the Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Senegal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

VATC’s support included world-class Counter-Terrorism (CT), Foreign Internal Defense (FID), and Counter-Insurgency (COIN) subject matter expertise from SOF leaders and operators, scenario development based on operational realities and existent and emergent threats, and scripting of customer tailored orders and injects to include Campaign Plans, Operational Orders, Fragmentary Orders, Order of Battle or Pattern Analysis Databases, Intelligence Fusion products, and Targeting Data. The company also provided 24/7 Joint Exercise Control Group (JECG) support to exercise participants through all phases of planning and execution of strategic, operational, and tactical missions.

“Expanding the Global SOF network is a top priority for VATC,” explains Jim Kotlyn, the company’s Chief Operating Officer. “Our FLINTLOCK exercise support focused on one goal – meeting customer objectives to enhance African Partner Nations’ SOF capability while developing regional interoperability and partnership.” To date, VATC has worked with more than 15 countries and NATO SOF Headquarters to help partner nation SOF meet theater engagement plans and requirements. “We were proud to be an integral component of this year’s FLINTLOCK exercises,” states Kotlyn. “Working to create timely, real world strategies for partner SOF training is critical to mitigating risk in the field.”

VATC is a leading [8(a)] provider of management services, joint training solutions, information technology, and engineering to Department of Defense, Federal agencies, and coalition partners in support of U.S. National Strategic objectives. VATC has 29 locations worldwide that provide daily interface on technical, programmatic and operations issues. VATC has over 1,500 years of combined military, government and commercial experience.”

Norman Yoshio Mineta (Japanese峯田 良雄, Mineta Yoshio; born November 12, 1931), is an American politician. A member of the Democratic Party, Mineta most recently served in President George W. Bush‘s Cabinet as the United States Secretary of Transportation, the only Democratic Cabinet Secretary in the Bush administration. On June 23, 2006, Mineta announced his resignation after more than five years as Secretary of Transportation, effective July 7, 2006, making him the longest-serving Transportation Secretary in the Department’s history. On July 10, 2006, Hill & Knowlton, a public relations firm, announced that Mineta would join it as a partner. On August 10, 2010, it was announced that Mineta would join L&L Energy, Inc as Vice Chairman.
Mineta also served as President Bill Clinton‘s Secretary of Commerce for the last six months of his term (July 2000–January 2001). Save for a span of five days between the end of Clinton’s term and Bush’s appointments, Mineta spent nearly six full years as a Cabinet member.
… Early life, career, and family[edit]

Mineta was born in San JoseCalifornia, to Japanese immigrant parents who were not allowed to become U.S. citizens at that time due to the Asian Exclusion Act. During World War II the Mineta family was interned for several years at “Area 24, 7th Barrack, Unit B” in the Heart Mountain internment camp near Cody, Wyoming, along with thousands of other Japanese immigrants andJapanese Americans.[1] Upon arrival to the camp, Mineta, a baseball fan, had his baseball bat confiscated by authorities because it could be used as a weapon. Many years later, after Mineta was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, a Los Angeles man sent Mineta a $1,500 bat that was once owned byHank Aaron, which Mineta was forced to send back as it violated the House ban on accepting gifts valued over $250. Mineta was quoted as saying, “The damn government’s taken my bat again”.[2]

Loan Improvement Jan 31, 2001 SBA modernizes to help feed its growing programs BY PATRICIA DAUKANTAS | GCN STAFF Under a five-year plan for overhauling its information technology systems, the Small Business Administration recently acquired new software for financial and other administrative tasks. .. In the first phase of the modernization, the agency has upgraded systems for managing its extensive portfolio of guaranteed loans, chief operating officer Kristine Marcy [Field McConnell’s sister] said. SBA processed its first electronic loan last November through its Sacramento, Calif., office and plans to add more private lenders during fiscal 2001. .. Marcy said. Banks had been asking SBA to make faster decisions on loan guarantees. The agency decided to aim for a [onion router] turnaround time of one hour. In the second phase of modernization, SBA is revamping its financial, human resources, procurement and travel systems with Web-enabled Oracle Corp. applications. .. The second-phase integrator, SRA International Inc. of Arlington, Va., has subcontracted with a number of small firms for things such as training and data conversion [Note Serco protégé Base One opened a document conversion center in the Bronx in 2006, presumably to deal with Obama’s passport problems]. .. In the final phase of the modernization, SBA will upgrade the computers in its 8(a) Business Development Program, which assists small businesses in competing for government contracts, Marcy said. The agency wants to be able to improve its tracking of clients’ successes and failures [through to liquidation by the SBA’s preferred lenders and sureties such as HSBC and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America – note merged with Citigroup and John Deutch’s CIA friends!].”

“Office of Capital Access | Resources The Preferred Lenders Program (PLP) The Preferred Lenders Program (PLP) is part of SBA’s effort to streamline the procedures necessary to provide financial assistance to the small business community. Under this program, SBA delegates the final credit decision and most servicing and liquidation authority and responsibility to carefully selected PLP lenders. SBA, however, will continue to check loan eligibility criteria. Lenders are considered for PLP status based on their record with SBA, and must have demonstrated a proficiency in processing and servicing SBA-guaranteed loans. In the event of payment default by the borrower and the need for enforced collections, the PLP lender agrees to liquidate all business assetsbefore asking SBA to honor its guaranty.

The 8(a) Business Development Program assists in the development of small businesses owned and operated by individuals who are socially and economically disadvantaged, such as women and minorities. The following ethnic groups are classified as eligible: Black Americans; Hispanic Americans; Native Americans (American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, or Native Hawaiians); Asian Pacific Americans (persons with origins from Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, China (including Hong Kong), Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam, Korea, The Philippines, U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Republic of Palau), Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Samoa, Macao, Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, or Nauru); Subcontinent Asian Americans (persons with origins from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives Islands or Nepal). In 2011, the SBA, along with theFBI and the IRS, uncovered a massive scheme to defraud this program. Civilian employees of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, working in concert with an employee of Alaska Native Corporation Eyak Technology LLC allegedly submitted fraudulent bills to the program, totaling over 20 million dollars, and kept the money for their own use.[26] It also alleged that the group planned to steer a further 780 million dollars towards their favored contractor.[27]

McConnell is standing by to brief Marine General Dunford, Obamas nominee as the 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on how to thwart aSerco digital fires attack during the Jade Helm exercise where a Tor in the middle attack on the Joint Chiefs has allegedly been scripted bySerco protégés, ICE, Inc. and Visual Awareness Technologies & Consulting (VATC).

Prequel 1: #2355: Marine Links TSol Serco Onion Router Tor 8(a) Dando Hit, Digital Fire 7/7 Lynch


[Serco’s Black Hand] Defense Ammunition Center

Serco… Would you like to know more? 

SWISSLEAKS – “HSBC developed dangerous clients:
arms merchants, drug dealers, terrorism financers” 
Copy of SERCO GROUP PLC: List of Subsidiaries AND Shareholders! (Mobile Playback Version) [HSBC is Serco’s drug-hub Silk Road banker and a major shareholder with the 8(a) 9/11 instant lenders including, Her Majesty’s Government and JPMorgan] 

Digital Fires Instructor Serco – Camp Pendleton, CA Posted 377 days ago Uses information derived from all military disciplines (e.g., aviation, ground combat, command and control, combat service support, intelligence, and opposing forces) to determine changes in enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable courses of action.

 •Works directly with customers and team members to determine project scope and specifications.
•Provides research and analysis to support military organizations. 
•May support development and analysis of products, including training modules, evaluation tools, etc. 
•Presents analysis or products to customers.
•May support policy and procedure development for agency, interagency, or community-wide support.
•May interact with outside customers and functional peer groups.
• Participates in the development, testing, maintenance and delivery of training and educational programs and related materials in support of complex products and/or procedures.
• Knowledge on the operational employment and TTPs of the following C2 systems and software applications in the COC operating environment is required:, AFATDS, FBCB2-BFT, JADOCS, and supporting C2 systems/software applications found available for use the regimental/battalion Combat Operations Center (COC).
• Conducts training sessions and assists in evaluating the effectiveness of training activities.
• May assist with updating course documentation on a continuous basis to ensure timeliness and relevance.
• May work with engineering, technical support and manufacturing to ensure that course material reflects current product features. Desired Skills and Experience
•Requires a bachelor’s degree in a related field; graduate degree preferred, plus 3 years’ experience as a Military Analyst and/or formal military training. Appropriate clearance level required.
•Work is usually performed at a government site, some of which may be remote.
•Working conditions may vary.
•Travel may be required.
• Have attended DoD formal instructor courses, such as the Marine Corps’ Formal School’s Instructor’s Course, or service equivalent
• Four years of documented experience instructing and employing their respective C2 system in support of MAGTF operations
• Background as an 0844 or 0848 MOS (USMC MOS, or equivalent USA MOS appropriate), with formal training and experience utilizing AFATDS (Advanced Field Artillery Target Data System), EMT (Effects Management Tool), PSS-SOF (Precision Strike Suite – Special Ops Forces)
• Active Secret Clearance or the ability to obtain a Secret clearance is required.
• Formal AFATDS Training required, Strike-Link, PSS-SOF, JADOCS experience desirable”  

HOW TOR ENABLED SILK ROAD Central to the operation of Silk Road was a complex underground computer routing system known as Tor. Ulbricht allegedly used the system to hide the location of the computer servers that hosted the Silk Road website. But Tor is no secret, especially to the U.S. government. The U.S. Naval Research Lab developed onion routing, the concept behind Tor, as a way to protect naval communication so an enemy could not trace computer messages and detect a ship’s position. Every computer on the Internet has an Internet Protocol, or IP, address that can be used to find its physical location. Tor ensures privacy by randomly routing computer messages through several places on the Internet, wrapped in layers of encryption, so no single point can link the source to the destination. .. Tor also hosts black markets, such as Sheep Marketplace and Black Market Reloaded, that deal in guns, drugs, stolen credit card numbers and child pornography. The United States seeks the extradition of Eric Marques, who was arrested in Ireland for allegedly hosting a website on the Tor network that allowed people to share child pornography. Silk Road created a private network through Tor by using software to build encrypted connections through relays on the network. The system is created so no single relay, or server, knew the complete path. A computer algorithm on Tor generates a complex Web address that ends in .onion and can be accessed only by downloading Tor software. … DEA agents learned of Silk Road within months after it went online. In June 2011, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., called on federal agents to investigate it. Court papers indicate federal agents began making hundreds of undercover purchases from the site in November 2011.”

INTERNATIONAL FIRE TRAINING CENTRE CREW COMMANDER INCIDENT COMMAND INITIAL ACTIONS OF THE CREW COMMANDERThroughout this note he means he/she and his means his/hers. INTRODUCTION Although the Incident Commander will have overall control of the accident or incident ground, it can happen, on occasion, that a Crew Commander, the vehicle and its crew can be the first to arrive. Under these circumstances, it will then fall to the Crew Commander to initiate the first actions necessary to mitigate the incident. This training note is designed to stimulate thought and discussion on the subject of the actions that may need to be considered at an incident, initially under the control of a Crew Commander. .. IFTC/CM/05/119/08/CREW COMMANDER INCIDENT COMMAND INITIAL/TRAINING NOTE/ACTIONS OF THE CREW COMMANDER/Page 7 of 7/ISSUE 2/FEBRUARY 2015 G:\fire training global\AVIATION\CC Incident Command\Initial\Tng Notes\Actions of the CCSerco Internal

About Us Welcome to the International Fire Training Centre (IFTC). We are part of the globally respected services company,Serco.

International Fire Training Centre is the leading aviation fire training centre in the world. Since 1981 it has been located at Durham Tees Valley Airport in the North East of England in what was once a historic Royal Air Force base. During the Second World War it was home to a detachment from the Royal Canadian Air Force flying Lancaster bombers.

The centre is situated in the countryside between Middlesbrough and Darlington both of which are only a few miles away and the city of Newcastle lies 30 minutes away by train.

IFTC trained firefighters are the best in the world. As a graduate of our internationally renowned training centre you will become an elite firefighter of the highest calibre armed with the skills, knowledge and instincts necessary to deal with extreme emergencies at any location in any country.

The training we provide is thorough and rigorous and we set stringent and demanding standards. We have been training new and experienced firefighters from across the globe for decades and our facilities are second to none. Extensive Dedicated Facilities

We have:

A 20 acre dedicated training site with world class simulators and the largest confined space rigs in the UK. fully equipped classrooms with laboratory equipment to teach firefighting theory.

A virtual reality suite to test decision making under pressure in real time [Digital Fires and The Onion Router].

Our training is designed for those working in the aviation, marine, industrial and offshore sectors. We offer hands on, totally authentic ‘real life’ emergency scenarios including hot fire and black smoke situations. Dealing with chemical spills, confined space situations and casualty recovery are also included.

We train both dedicated firefighters and those whose duties include dealing with fires and other emergency situations. Our trainers are firefighting professionals with extensive hands on experience across all sectors including military, civil and industrial.

Certified and Accredited

All our courses are certified and accredited to meet international requirements including CAA, OPITO, JOIFF and STCW offering you absolute peace of mind. Alternatively we can arrange internationally recognised bespoke courses to meet your particular needs. A number of our courses are also certificated and accredited within the UK with standards including BTEC, City & Guilds and PTLLS.” 
Base One Technologies .. Clients Banking, Finance and Insurance 
Oversee the integration of two separate networks, as well as business office operations Key participant in network architecture design for a network handling real time stock/bond trading world-wide.

Provide interactive access to equity markets in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Middle East & Africa

Engineer/implement architecture for client inter-entity links

Develop overall technical solutions including network components, physical and logical topologies, routing policies and disaster recovery schemes

Design ISDN solution for client network and provide contingency planning and disaster recovery design strategies Participate in the operational turn down of the client network to migrate traffic to the Chase Network in a controlled manner Management of all IPX issues on Data Highway (the entire USA local and Domestic) with a staff of two.

Performed network designs and provided guidance to different groups on requirements to implement networks on DH Designed and installed an application specific DS3 ATM network off SONET Ring.

Redesigned Merrill Lynch’s External network, to provide redundancy (dynamically) between buildings.

Engineered and implemented the first true VLAN project for Merrill Lynch using Cisco’s 5500s and 5000 hardware

Authored the IGRP to EIGRP plan for Data Highway which consist of over 1000 routers.

Designed and Implemented a new Market Data Backbone for Merrill Lynch including the engineering of the distribution of the information. Evaluated Cisco’s Voice Over IP, Voice Over Frame Relay and Voice Over ATM Technologies Redesigned CITICORP North America OSPF/BGP router network using ATM as the primary transport media, with ISDN for backup.

Redesign various OSPF/BGP areas where sites within an area were closing and areas were merging.

Fine tune ABR routes within BGP Autonomous Systems to provide optimum routing.

Consolidate Tier 3 Feeder Routers in an effort to provide optimum routing and efficient bandwidth usage.

Redesigned the INTRA Area 0 transport medium using ATM and fine tune the routing configuration to provide logical resilience in case of Frame Relay link failures from the ABRs to the feeder sites.

Provide DEC LAT-to-IP and IP-to-LAT translations, Replace access method to SNA from RSRB to DLSw+ and IP

Feasibility study/cost analysis/ resource management/capacity planning for IP over ATM/Frame Relay migration Architect new network design topology and increase bandwidth via DS3’s

Designed, deployed network architecture and disaster recovery solutions [on the onion router] that withstood 9/11/01 disaster without a single transaction failure despite carrier failure

Client Cards FDDI Migration Project – Architect, manage and implement the client backbone Network Migration from FDDI & token Ring to switched Fast Ethernet

Perform business analysis, feasibility study, budgetary estimate, project management, relocate and consolidate network data sites to new client facilities in support of network expansion. Plan implementation and roll-out Solutions

Site Survey, data collection, facilities management planning, data center environmental facilities planning and cable infrastructure to relocate and consolidate network data

Network management, 3rd level support in NOC

Client Mid-Range Data Center Relocation – consolidate, merge divergent networks, systems, data centers, decommission WAN bridged architecture

Design, implement,provision, procure new network solutions and fault tolerant architecture, architect contingency plan, site relocation cost analysis, Network Impact analysis, WAN bandwidth cost analysis, strategic business analysis, global project planning,enterprise router architecture

Consolidate and merge various technologies and equipment – routers, switches, Gigabit Ethernet, token ring, layer2 & 3 switching, IGRP, OSPF, BGP, (HRSP), DECnet Phase III & IV routing, DECnet, LAT bridging, SNA, DLSW+, SRB, SDLC Tunneling, Frame Relay, X.25, ISDN, ATM, VLAN, Point to Point Transport, SNMP, VAX, HP UNIX, EMS, VTAM”

[Base One Technologies, Ltd. is a DOMESTIC BUSINESS CORPORATION, located in New York, NY and was formed on Feb 15, 1994.This file was obtained from the [Clinton] Secretary of State and has a file number of 1795583] .. Conducts IT Security and Risk Assessment in Federal government as well as security testing, implementing security for multiple platforms and operating systems [onion router] around the world … Develops, implements and supports Information Security Counter measures such as honey-pots and evidence logging and incident documentation processes and solutions.

Corporate Diversity We are a Government Certified Women-Owned Business We practice Diversity Recruitment and Staffing for IT positions Base One was founded in 1994 by a women engineer who had made a career in technology research for many years. Base One has been very successful in focusing on diversity recruiting and staffing for IT projects. It has been our experience that the greater the diversity mix, the more creative the solution. As in any field the more diverse the viewpoint the more thorough your analysis. Our engineers can think out of the box. Because of our affiliations we have access to pools of resources among more diverse groups & individuals. We work with a large pool of minority professionals who specialize in IT skills. We are able to have access to these resources through our status as a D/MWBD firm and our affiliations. These affiliations assist us in working with resources among more diverse groups & individuals. We are also partnered with firms that are 8A certified as Minority firms, Disabled Veteran firms [such as Metris the coordinator of Jade Helm, see below], Native American firms, Vietnam veteran firms, women owned firms.

Serco’s Office of Partner Relations (OPR) helps facilitate our aggressive small business utilization and growth strategies. Through the OPR, Serco [and its drug hub banker HSBC] mentors four local small businesses under formal Mentor Protégé Agreements: Three sponsored by DHS (Base One Technologies, TSymmetry, Inc., and HeiTech Services, Inc.,) and the fourth sponsored by GSA (DKW Communications, Inc.). Serco and HeiTech Services were awarded the 2007 DHS Mentor Protégé Team Award for exceeding our mentoring goals.”

City A.M. Outsourcing firm Serco has finally received some good news .. After being asked last year to conduct an investigation into whether Serco staff had been misleadingly recording [tagged] prisoners as ready for court when they were not, the Crown Prosecution Service has accepted the view of the City of London Police and put Serco in the clear.”

Serco farewell to NPL after 19 years of innovation 8 January 2015 .. During that period under Serco’s management and leadership, NPL has delivered an extraordinary variety and breadth of accomplishments for the UK’s economy and industry .. .. NPL’s caesium fountain atomic clock is accurate to 1 second in 158 million years and NPL is playing a key role in introducing rigour to high frequency [hedge fund] trading in the City through NPLTime.”

Yours sincerely,

Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222

David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation

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