Massive manhunt for 2 escaped inmates enters 4th day

Where are they? Massive manhunt for 2 escaped murderers enters 4th day: (Chris Wattie/Reuters) MSNBC – by Miguel Almaguer and Cassandra Vinograd

DANNEMORA, New York — As the massive manhunt for two escaped murderers entered a fourth day, investigators were simultaneously searching for answers on how the duo brazenly broke out of maximum-security prison.

There has been no sign of Richard Matt and David Sweat since they were reported missing on Saturday. Investigators say they used power tools to cut through brick and metal walls and pipes before breaking through a manhole to freedom. Hundreds of law-enforcement officers have fanned out across the area as part of a multi-agency manhunt, and New York State has offered a $100,000 reward leading to the convicts’ capture.  

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told NBC’s TODAY that the men “definitely had help” making their escape, and NBC News confirmed that authorities were speaking to one specific woman who worked at the Clinton Correctional Facility to determine if she played any role in the breakout.

Questions also have been raised over how the duo managed to carry out their elaborate plan without tipping off other inmates or guards. One former inmate at the maximum-security lock-up told NBC News that the prisoners were under incredibly close watch.

“It’s most definitely tight security, very tight movement as far as when you’re allowed out of your cell,” said Jeffrey Getman, who spent four years at the prison. “You’re watched pretty much all the time.”

While Cuomo sarcastically suggested the other inmates were “all heavy sleepers,” State Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell said fear might have played a role. Reporting suspicions “will get you killed — that’s the kind of environment it is,” he told The Associated Press.

Authorities have said the two killers could be “anywhere” — and were working furiously to chase down approximately 300 leads which have been reported.

Amid the possibility the escaped convicts could have crossed into Canada — whose border lies not far from the prison — the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency set up outbound inspection lanes at the border and told NBC News that agents were at a “heightened state of awareness.”

Meanwhile, two law enforcement sources told NBC affiliate WPTZ they believe that a getaway car either arrived too early, too late or not at all — leading police to believe the escaped convicts were on foot.

The escape was the first from the maximum-security portion of Clinton Correctional Facility — but not the only time Matt had broken out of jail. The 49-year-old escaped county jail back in 1986 by scaling a fence topped with razor wire, according to Buffalo News.

At the time of his escape from Clinton Correctional Facility, he was serving a sentence of 25-to-life for the kidnapping, beating death and dismembering of his former boss. Sweat, 35, was serving a life sentence without parole for killing a sheriff’s deputy.

11 thoughts on “Massive manhunt for 2 escaped inmates enters 4th day

  1. dont fall for the reward BS..
    they will find a way to never pay

    you wont see the fine print on the “conditions of reward” and after they catch or kill them there will be a clause in that paperwork that will preclude you getting a dam thing

  2. Do they want to catch them so that the public is not in danger, or are they missing the money that will be lost for these guys not being in prison?
    There are bigger criminals on the loose than these fellows, but of course, they won’t be hunted, even though they are real easy to capture. So messed up!!!!

  3. You know, I wonder…

    Why are those clowns in the picture dressed for with full military gear, including nvgs? Is it really to look for two fugitives, or just a ruse to get the public to allow more military to operate in violation of the laws. Where is our proof of this escape? I for one am a skeptical man, always. I honestly think its all bullshit, to placate the public into accepting this massive police presence, and live fire training taking place everywhere.

    I live in a small town in Iowa, and in the last month we have had chinooks doing touch and go drills in cornfields , a massive fortifying of our national guard armory, which is a comm unit, and now they built an armored gate around it.They say its a remodel. Something is not adding up, and we all suspect what it is..stay frosty everyone…I know there is lots of disinfo, but this is what I am seeing around here.

  4. “There has been no sign of Richard Matt and David Sweat since they were reported missing on Saturday.”

    Which means they could be literally ANYWHERE.

    What a perfect pretext for the pigs to arbitrarily invade peoples homes to ‘look for the escapees’.

  5. Any one familiar with “Metallurgy”?
    It is impossible to cut 3/8″ steel as precise as was shown on the Cuomo photo op. wake up people. The photos looks like this shyt was cut with a butter knife. Even a plasma cutter would have residue.

  6. Ahh…once again, we have to have the cops dressed up in military gear in order to find two ex-convicts. Unfrigginbelievable….

    Funny how I never saw police in military gear when I was watching Tommy Lee Jones hunt for Harrison Ford in the movie, The Fugitive.


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