McCain Is Right And He’s Wrong – As Usual

RINO McCainThe Real Revo

He is right. The air strikes will not stop the Islamic State. President Obama is so afraid of being called a war monger that he has ordered US aircraft to drop a few bombs on some small targets. IS will not be deterred by this half-assed action.

McCain is wrong, though, when he says these puny actions, “showed a “fundamental misunderstanding of the threat”. Obama didn’t misjudge his enemy. He ordered a couple of bombs to be dropped in an effort to silence political people in the united States who have been demanding he do something about the rape, genocide, and destruction. His actions are purely political – for American consumption.  

McCain says U.S. airstrikes in Iraq can’t stop Islamic State

Republican U.S. Senator John McCain said on Saturday that President Barack Obama’s limited military action against Islamic State militants in northern Iraq showed a “fundamental misunderstanding of the threat,” and called for strikes against the group’s positions in Syria, The New York Times reported.

McCain, a frequent critic of Obama’s foreign policy including his handling of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, said the airstrikes authorized by the president are not enough to deal with a growing threat to the United States that he called “the richest, most powerful terrorist organization in history,” the paper said.”

There is more about the McCain comment here

One thought on “McCain Is Right And He’s Wrong – As Usual

  1. Insane McCain has an excellent ‘track’ (wait for it) record…

    For making a horse’s @ss out of himself.

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