McDonald’s Reveals Future Layout Of Restaurants In Post-Corona World

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In Arnhem, Netherlands, McDonald’s has opened a prototype restaurant outfitted with social distancing in mind. The move is to test new safety measures for guests and employees that will limit the spread of the virus once lockdowns are relaxed, reported Reuters

“We have tried to figure out how to keep our customers and employees safe, while maintaining a restaurant atmosphere,” McDonald’s Netherlands spokeswoman Eunice Koekkoek told Reuters.

“These are drastic changes, but we hope to make them in a way that customers don’t notice them too much,” said Koekkoek.

The restaurant’s layout still resembles a shop in the pre-corona world. However, there are noticeable differences in a post-virus world, such as social distancing lines before entering the establishment. Once in, each guest is required to spend 20 seconds at a handwashing station to maximize cleanliness.

See the pics and read the rest here:

8 thoughts on “McDonald’s Reveals Future Layout Of Restaurants In Post-Corona World

  1. You think this will come at no cost to you ?

    Nice try

    That shitty goat burger that recently got jacked to over 8$ for a meal will soon be 10$

  2. “Once in, each guest is required to spend 20 seconds at a handwashing station to maximize cleanliness.“

    Yea…..go f$&k yourself, McDonalds.

    How about just leaving your customers alone, as they are the ones buying your garbage food anyways. I’m sure they don’t want nanny’s parenting them while they eat.

  3. To be frank – anyone who pays McDonalds for that poisonous muck deserves everything they get! You can lead a horse to water etc but you can lead a dumb human to McDonalds, make him queue up like a good little slave AND make him eat & drink non-food garbage that he’ll pay huge money for!

  4. I wuit eating McDonald’s years ago after I learned that of the 29 ingredients in their strawberry shake, none were strawberries. I can’t believe anyone still thinks they sell food.

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