Michigan Resident Sentenced to Prison for Criminal Contempt Involving Federal Tax Obligations

US Dept of Justice Press Release

A resident of Commerce Township, Michigan, was sentenced to serve 18 months in prison to be followed by one year of supervised release for criminal contempt, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo of the Justice Department’s Tax Division.

In July 2014, Doreen Hendrickson was convicted of criminal contempt following a federal jury trial in Detroit.  Hendrickson violated an injunction involving federal tax obligations issued by U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds of the Eastern District of Michigan in May 2007.  Today’s sentence was imposed by U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts.  

According to court filings and evidence presented at trial, Hendrickson and her husband, Peter Hendrickson, filed federal income tax returns for the years 2002 and 2003 on which they falsely claimed they earned zero wages.  Based on these false returns, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued the Hendricksons more than $20,000 in income tax refunds that they were not entitled to receive.  In 2006, the Tax Division sued the Hendricksons to recover these refunds.  As part of that litigation, Judge Edmunds ordered the Hendricksons to file corrected amended tax returns for 2002 and 2003 that reported all of their income, and further ordered them to repay their fraudulently obtained refunds to the IRS.  Judge Edmunds also barred the Hendricksons from filing additional false tax returns.

In 2009, Peter Hendrickson was convicted of filing multiple false income tax returns, including the 2002 and 2003 returns that he filed jointly with his wife.  The tax returns at issue were based on the false and frivolous tax theories that Peter Hendrickson promoted in his book, “Cracking the Code,” and on his website, Lost Horizons.  Peter Hendrickson was sentenced to serve 27 months in prison in that case.

The evidence presented at Doreen Hendrickson’s trial showed that she violated the injunction issued by Judge Edmunds when she failed to file amended 2002 and 2003 tax returns.  Also, in direct violation of Judge Edmunds’s order, Hendrickson filed a false income tax return for 2008 on which she falsely claimed that wages she earned as a movie extra were not taxable.  This tax return was submitted while her husband was under indictment for filing false tax returns.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Ciraolo commended special agents of IRS-Criminal Investigation, who investigated the case, and Trial Attorneys Melissa S. Siskind, Jeffrey B. Bender and Jeffrey A. McLellan of the Tax Division, who are prosecuting the case.  Ciraolo also thanked the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Eastern District of Michigan for their substantial assistance.

Additional information about the Tax Division and its enforcement efforts may be found on the division’s website.


7 thoughts on “Michigan Resident Sentenced to Prison for Criminal Contempt Involving Federal Tax Obligations

  1. Folks, this harassment (by the IRS) was brought on for reasons that are revealed in this story, and I quote: “…..tax returns were based on the false and frivolous tax theories that Peter Hendrickson promoted in his book, Cracking the Code”……
    False and Frivolous……obviously they (the IRS) don’t like the fact that this guy told the truth (in his book) about how to beat a bunch of thieves at their own game. I wonder how much in taxes ISIS paid in to the IRS on the 650 million dollars that John McCain gave them for weapons and heroin.
    These people (in this story) should change their names to Juan and Maria Martinez and tell the government that they came from South America…illegally. Then they’d be given all the money they need, plus free Obamacare and free food stamps, free housing….free everything!!!

  2. The Hendricksons are honorable patriots that told the truth and therefore must be locked up. They will be justified when we clean these theives out of our country! May this day come sooner than later.

  3. Hendrickson claims the term “income” in Federal Tax Code refers to income derived from the government or government privilege, an excise tax. He quotes US Supreme Court Justices endorsing that claim. It’s the only way the indirect tax would be constitutional.

    The US government people are going to do what they want until the American people rise up in armed revolt and kill or imprison them.

  4. I’m afraid I have agree Ted. Any idea that litigation in our corrupt courts will ever change the application of patently illegal taxation is just whistling in the dark.

    1. I studied this and the amount of information denied them made the jury incapable of a true choice. They blocked any information on the Constitution, then they prevented her from giving her full opening statement and ending statement. Evidence she had was blocked. In other words it was a kangaroo court and the jury being the dumbed down, flouride infected sheep could only go one way guilty. For that was the evidence presented. What a load of crap.

  5. Bill Gates cracked the code already bub. Billions in borrowed money while paying people to make vastly inferior products meant to thwart our productivity. That’s how you win in America today.

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