80 thoughts on “Milk Is A Scam

  1. I was surprised the first time I heard of this, but it makes sense. We are the only mammals on earth that drink milk from another mammal, as one commentator said. Even the calf stops drinking it after a year or so.

  2. I have been hearing this for years. I personally don’t like milk, it grosses me out, but my oldest daughter drinks it like water. My grandfather was a farmer and I remember when I was young, the raw milk would be in the fridge, all separated, yuck!! Now that the oldest has moved out, I buy a half a gallon, it ends up going bad before anybody drinks it. It is mucus, made for babies to thrive, not fully grown humans/animals!!

    1. I don’t care for milk either, and upon hearing this information, I just want to dump the 1/2 gallon in the fridge down the drain. Ewww! It just skeevies me out thinking about it.

      Awesome show tonight Missy (and Steve), I’m glad I’m up to speed on the canned goods, and shop the good sales often. I’ll save some other nuggets when your show is posted on the main page. Bartering things and such.

      Have a great night!

    2. Hear you Missy, I used to be a big milk drinker but not very much these days. I’ve seen a few articles and videos and It kind of turned me off to it. 🙁

          1. Thank You LesPaulPlayer, we are trying!! We are just normal folk, wanting people to be ready for the war!! 🙂

  3. soy or rice milk

    Im not drinking cows milk..im not a cow

    well I guess im not a soy or rice either, lol but it makes better sense to drink that instead, unless someone can give me a good reason to not use these products either

    1. I’d be carefull about the soy milk, I heard that most if not all soy is GMO. Rice I don’t think is though and has to be better than cow’s milk.

    2. Tom, do not drink Soy!!!! It is full of Estrogen, the woman hormone and most soy is genetically modified. A lot of rice is GMO, also. Go for the almond milk, like almond breeze, they have it in plain and vanilla flavored. Men should never take soy, that is how we are getting all of these metrosexuals, because soy is in everything. Tofu is soy, watch your labels, NO SOY FOR MEN!! unless you want boobies, and want to talk like a girl!!! 🙂 This includes soy sauce!! Look it up on the internet, it can be disguised as other names, TMP flavor is one that I can think of, there are others, but not coming to mind right now. I remember a frantic call from my sister years ago about how bad soy is, she won’t touch it with a ten foot pole!! Do some research, soy is evil!! 🙂

      1. Thanks Missy and Les Paul
        I had a feeling it was also not worth it

        Guess I have to eat my GMO cereal with Beer :-0

  4. I love milk with a meal but especially coffee,that said,get it local unheated ect. from local happy cows,did try goat milk,didn’t like it even though also local fed critters.I understand,when things go south milk will probably at least short term be a option and thus will have tea,can handle that without milk but do not enjoy nearly as much as milk with me coffee.

      1. Paul and James, a few years ago I had to have sugar and creme (not milk) with my coffee, and I started cutting the sugar first then the creme, both gradually, today I enjoy my coffee black. Coffee is a bit like wine, different flavors and subtilities (sp) that are masked by the sugar and creme (milk). Today I enjoy and taste the various flavors. In moderation though.Just saying it can be done.

  5. Great lecture with Dr. McDougall! Dr. Walter Veith has a video on Utube “Uterly Amazing”. Great info also.
    When looking for a substitute with Almond milk do not drink Almond Breeze as it contains a substance called Carrageenan which is carciogentic. Research don’t take my word. Also, all soy should be organic to avoid GMO’s. Organic Soy is not a huge problem for men or woman unless over indulged. I have given up dairy for ten years now and have reversed bone loss.
    A good way to judge if you are losing bone is to measure your height to see if you have lost inches and also, if you are losing your teeth when properly cared for. Don’t use the flouride toothpaste and research how to remineralize your teeth. Caffeine will destroy your bones. Everyone should have at least 5 pounds of Green Clay in their war chest and learn how to use it.
    Don’t have xrays only on threats of death. They will give you cancer, heart attacks and poor health. I don’t do them and have fixed dental abcesses with green clay, not xrays, no antibiotics and no QUACKs.
    Eat your greens and stay strong for the fight.
    Dr. McDougall is a real Doctor and Dr. Veith is a real scientist.

        1. Hey Inretrospect. Glad you posted this link. i have Bentonite clay on hand and am glad to have this info.

  6. Les Paul,
    I am not trying to lessen the presentation on milk but caffeine is also responsible for destroying our bones. Good to do your own research and here is just one site but there are many others. http://www.webmd.com/osteoporosis/features/soda-osteoporosis
    Caffeine reacts as an inflammatory agent in our bodies and it inflames breast tissue disposing women to cancer. Anything that inflames the breast in women also inflames the prostate in men turning on cancer cells. We all cycle cancer cells 6 to 8 times in our life time. It is when we are compromised that the cancer takes hold. Hope this helps.

    1. Hi Dorothy I hear what you are saying, I usually use the decaff. I read that coffee is a good anti-oxident though, but like I said, I enjoy it in moderation. Thanks for the link, I like webmd.com. Very good info there.

      1. A world without coffee is a world I will not be able to function in!Many things can cause harm ect.,that said,would rather enjoy my life with coffee then lead a life a few years longer without the joy of coffee.I am not exactly sure what would happen if I stop drinking coffee but am sure that at least my head would cave in!

        1. James you would not have your head cave in. I was a huge coffee drinker and it took 6 times before I was able to kick the addiction. I remember the withdrawals and the horrible nauseating headaches. Nothing that horrible can be good for you. Any antioxidant properties are lost in the negative effects. In fact I now have more energy than before and people 15+ years younger have a hard time keeping up with me. You don’t have that roller coaster ride up and down like you do with caffeine. When stopping the caffeine the body thanks you. Have a great day and blessings.

  7. digger,
    Caffeine is a drug just as any other legal or illegal drug….it does harm so do what you want, but others need to know the harm it does. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit so why would we knowingly do harm to them? Apparently you haven’t heard the “Good News” Jesus came , HE died and arose and is coming back.
    To all concerned with good bones then avoid xrays like they are a bad disease. It isn’t the calcium intake that determines if you have good bones or not. There is a test called 25 Hydroxy D-3 that you can have your Dr. do. V-D3 is essential to absorb and matabolize calcium and other minerals promoting good bone growth. I take 10,000 IU of Vit D3 everyday. A Hydroxy count of 50, according to Dr. Mercola and other Dr’s, is needed before you start replenishing calcium in your bones. Other Dr.s say that a count of 80 will be beneficial in preventing cancer. Remember they determine normal limits of just about anything by gathering information on say 1,000 sick undernourished people and then averaging it out to obtain their so called “normal” ranges
    To all have good health and research creditable sources. Our taste should not control us.

    1. I see you titled your reply to Digger and I didn`t even make a comment on this thread – why was that, you watching me or something Dorothy , that would be ok if it was positive but it is not if you are trying to troll me ok Dorothy eh ya know what I mean – yet but anyways here does Dorothy 😆 🙂 Yea Dorothy you want to comunicate fine we can but if ya see what I am sayin I haven`t even replyed to this article and yet you dirrected this reply to me 🙂 No offence to you but what is up with that if you can tell me where you are comming from in all respect.

      Dorthy, I didn`t grow up yesterday and you would be ammazed what I have experienced as far as talking to god and the personal spirits.
      I am definetly not into group religeon because I think that god is way to personal to be a group thing and I do not pay to get into that place they call heaven I believe that and I do not pay to get there.
      That is why every one is created equal but different. One size does not fit all.
      You take care of your self and you will take care of you.
      I must be of a different generation but that has proven positive for me and the Dr.s and these nutritiononalsist said that I would have been dead and buryied many many years ago but I am alive and doing better than those that told me to follow thoes that said this and that
      .If ya pay attention and listen to your own body and soul you do not need any dr. or health advisor to tell ya how to be healthy yea also religeon is too damned personal to be worshiping some god they preach from a pulpit and then pass a plate around by the way.
      If it was I would have been dead and gone 50 + yr.s ago

      1. digger,

        I am not into any organized religion so relax. I am not into any 501 3C corporate churches. The Bible is my guide and the God of Creation is my God. Have a blessed day.

        1. You’re a long way from Kansas, Dorothy. Tap your toes together and hope that brings you back to reality.

          1. Millard,

            You must be the Wizzard and I am a long way from Kansas. The reality is that I have remineralized my bones and you are destroying yours. To each his own. I have better things to do than to go back in forth with you or others that don’t agree and have no science behind them. Have a nice day Mr. Wizzard.

          2. Dorothy,
            You have not explained why you addressed your 12:56pm comment to “digger.” You have to admit that addressing him in the thread was a bit “out there” (which is what Millard was talking about). If you messed up and addressed the wrong person, at least own up to it rather than take offense.

          3. Thank you Angel for your support as you know I have a bad temper with things like this and you were a real big help there for me Angel. I do appreciate it. Thank you Angel

          4. I can see your faith is unwavering Dorothy and god bless you for that. I recant my earlier comment but, as Angel-NYC wondered, why did you reply to diggerdan when he wasn’t even in the conversation. He may have posted the article but your actions raised a few eyebrows. Keep the faith Dorothy, I hope to see your input again on “The Trenches” and we can try to start on the right foot. Now diggerdan says he didn’t post the article so now I recant my earlier recant. WTF? Troll city? And using Dorothy, a name associated with apple pie, baseball, and American lore you dog!!!!!! Busted!. Next time, try a name like Jill or Sue, not that you won’t get busted through your own stupidity!

          5. Hey group I just answered the thread sent to me it must have been a mistake probably on my part and my apologies to anyone offended. Digger esp. Hope you all check the link with Hope International as I think you can save some bucks. They send a DVD on the use of the clay and I don’t think it gets any better than that. You can use it on your pets and DVM’s are perscribing it and charging an arm and a leg.

          6. Hey trenchers. i just ran into this in my email notifications on posts. see below. kinda strange, cause its not posted here that i can see. strange. Looks like somebody is trying to mess with ya Digger. 😡

            diggerdan commented on Milk Is A Scam.
            in response to Dorothy:
            James you would not have your head cave in. I was a huge coffee drinker and it took 6 times before I was able to kick the addiction. I remember the withdrawals and the horrible nauseating headaches. Nothing that horrible can be good for you. Any antioxidant properties are lost in the negative effects. In […]

            Use these substances wisely and in moderation Dorothy.
            I say that from long term personal experience with many different substances and if used aproprietly it should not have any long term bad side effects and yes the goes for things like meth, cocaine morophine and other things. Yea people are proe to addictions and such but you got to know your on personal limits, and if you know that you should have no problems.
            I have known many many drug users that have no problems with drug abuse and they mave neverexperienced the bad side effects that the PTB say.
            It is all about your own personal body chemistry. Think about it. Ya just got to know your self and there should be no problems with different substances – legal or not – like saying you are in a coma be cause ya consumed too much sugar when you are diabetic, do we make sugar ilegal or give sugar a bad name because of that – Same F`in thing if ya know what I am sayin`

          7. Dorothy @ 3:55; Appoligies accepted Dorothy, I screw up sometimes too, how ever your screw up was obvious and just plain dumb.
            Also, Dorothy , be straight up if you really want to turn us on to saving some money on alternative medicines/ therapies because we all here know a lot of places that do realy good deals with excellent quality. If you want turn us on to places like that appropriately ya know if that was what you were doing.
            I accept your appology but did you get caought trollin` ?

            I hope you listen to your self. Just some advice as I make some realy dumb comments too sometimes Dorothy. I am just giving ya some positive – I hope – feed back here and I hope you take it to heart to avoid making a fool out of yourself like I have in the past OK just some words of advice perhaps maybe 🙂 ;

          8. trollin? Maybe you can explain what trollin is? And you want to laugh? My real name is Dorothy. I am not here to make browie points and anyone can take what I say or leave it. What is the point in contesting or arguing about anyone’s choices? It is there business, right? Error is error and if truth is not presented without scientific value then what? I think I presented truth in all that I said and if anyone had a comment with truth presented then it should be looked at. I am not tellling anyone what to do just made some very truthful statements on caffeine use and bone loss. Been a nurse over 40 years and have seen bone loss that could have been prevented. You all have a great evening.

          9. Paul I saw the same thing you say, that post is not here, I saw it on an e-mail, I think somebody is messing with Digger.

          10. LPP Yes looked several times to see if it was posted here and didn’t find it. That makes me damned suspicious.

          11. Paul & LesPaulPlayer (may I use LPP, in the future?),
            That is just plain Strange. Maybe Henry/Admin. can figure it out.

          12. No problem Angel LPP or Les . LPP might sound like little pee pee though, Les is better 🙂

          13. @ 4:32 Paul;
            Thank you for the unexpected heads up. That is a shocker for me.
            Thankyou again Paul for the heads up on that one.
            That does sound like some thing like what I would a say but I didn`t say that!!!
            Also this was in your e-mail? yea doesn`t supprise me. I have had some weird stuff in mine too.
            I remember about a few weeks ago you asked me about a bad e-mail that ya said was from me but was not from me – do you remember that one Paul???

          14. Yes Digger I was just going to post that episode here. I would sure like to know who this is. the email that i supposedly got from you had your exact email addy.
            so this is the second time someone has tried to mess with you. Something strange is going on here, and I, for one, don’t appreciate it one bit. 😡

          15. Dorothy, or should I type in your name, phone number and home address. We do not forgive, we do not forget.

          16. Are you serious? If you are threatening me then you are joke to the cause of this once great country. You wouldn’t know truth if it hit you upside the head. Don’t ever threaten me boy!

          17. Hi Angel The house is 100 years old, I am not an expert and always refered to it as Victorian and I see I might be mistaken, it’s what I thought was Victorian. The earliest I remember, it was water heated, with an oiled fired furnace, which I think was upgraded from coal if I’m not mistaken. There were never any fireplaces that I remember. But I know it had a central chimeny which is now gone and replaced with an exterior one. It was supposidly built in the 1910’s but it kind of has “art deco” style finish inside, chandeliers etc.. which would be the 1920’s era I think. so I’m probably mistakenly calling it Victorian. What do you think it could be, Victorian probably would be more 1890’s, I don’t know.You can go with Les if you want. 🙂

          18. digger & Paul, I’ve gotten emails from friends and family (and they have gotten emails from me) that contained a link. Only a link, no message and none of us knew unless we informed eachother. Some hackers had “spoofed” our email addresses. This sounds like an entirely different animal. 🙁 Like I said, maybe Henry/Admin. can help, or offer information.

          19. yes Angel as you say this is a whole different animal. who ever posted this has learned how to look like Dan as well.

          20. LesPaulPlayer @ 4:56 & 5:24pm, LOL “Les”, it is. 🙂
            Hubby has been in construstion for a LONG time. Restored several Victorians. (One for the the Bush’s, dealing with National Historical Society regulations. UGH! Yuck! 🙁 ) We were just a bit confused. LOL Thanks for elaborating. 🙂 No Doubt that you have it in hand. They take a lot of $$$ and work/time but I sure am jealous. I’d much rather put it into a house like your’s than a house like my Mom’s, now mine. 😉

          21. Angel I tried to attach a photo of it here but I can’t get it to work. 🙁 Is there anyway to attach photos, I have good ones of the inside and outside?

          22. Would love to see them, Les. 🙂
            My old computer is down. New one will arrive Tues., then I have to learn the new operating system. I’ve always had Apples. Right now, I’m on an HP and I don’t know my way around At All. HATE IT! Now, I’M the one who doesn’t know how to post music. LOL 😉

          23. Angel I wonder if I send them by e-mail to Henry and ask that he post them in this comment section, would that work?

          24. I’ve done that, in the past when I couldn’t post links. Ask. It is getting a bit late for them. They might be nite,nite. It may not show up until tomorrow. 😉

          25. Angel I’ll give it a try and send them by e-mail to Henry, never know. 🙂

          26. @ dorothy @ 5:46 F U Bitch Go To Hell B!!! FU
            Seems like there has been some B S emails sent to my friends that I never have sent all of a sudden and I am pissed about it You Been Doing That Dorothy Fess up now kiddo they all have your exact wording in those mails dorothy with ad libs to it and I am pissed about it dorothy either it is you or somebody you are involed with but you are involved one way or another and you are f`ing with me and I do not like being f`ed with- U are too obovious dorothy back off me!!! in other words and if this is not because of you find out who is messin` with ya because it is rubbin` off on me and my friends and I am pissed about it damnit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Oh Yea dorothy some of these peope that have got these BS messages that looked like they were from me do not even have my mail address nore do I even have their e-mail address so you figure it out Yea, we got a problem here and I didn`t start it dorothy back off me and leave me and my friends alone ok !!

        2. Hey Dorothy or (insert real name), you can take a flying leap following your banker buddies. I am sorry for the misfortune of communicating with such a vile sociopath such as yourself. You are a wart on the ass of society and deserve nothing less than scorn and ridicule which is what you’ll get with every forthcoming comment! Alright Gary!

          1. @ Angel @ 5:25
            I am not replying to you Millard @ 7:30 by the way I am just say`n my friend and I do thank you my good friend Millard I am just just reply`n to Angel @ 5:25 ya know, 🙂

            Yes thank you Angel for clariffying that for me. Yea I am to old for playing games like seems to be getting played and dorothy seems to be the common factor with all this BS.
            Yes Angel I really do hope to be talking with ya on 3- 29 later today my friend 😉

  8. Dorothy ,while always willing to listen to different points of view but gonna keep my coffee and my happy local cow milk while I can,way things are headed in this country feel my time is limited and thus within reason going to enjoy it while I can,may the sun shine upon you though.

  9. Uh,yeah,unfortunately a lot of posting due to miscommunication though.That said,you can stir up a hornets nest,will give you that!

      1. Les,tell me you have a unfinished cellar,am starting to think a 2 pronged attack here once flir work is done and major leaks eradicated.!0 ‘ ceilings,you tell me you have 10″ plus wood baseboards and super wide crown molding going to get a bit jealous !

        1. Yes sir and design molded ceilings. Brass I think, painted over. Basement is brick covered with concrete. Unfinished with a concrete floor. 🙂 It’s a cool old house, was my grandfather’s, my father’s and now mine. 🙂

          1. Hubby & I are trying to wrap our heads around a Victorian w/o fireplaces…What did they use for heat? All the Victorians in TX had a fireplace in every room. When some of them got restored, after central air , the fireplaces got blocked off but, they are still there. What happened to your’s?

          2. Painted over brass!I see your project next winter,good though,a unfinished basement gives me some more thought options LLP,oooops meant Les!

        2. Yea James, it would be nice to remove the paint and get down to the brass.There were two types back then, tin or brass from what I hear, I did not scrape the paint off but someone had screwed a hook into one ceiling and from what I saw it look a lot like brass.

          1. You get pics up get one of metal roof fish scale,am intrigued and want to view,so,you do have a chimney though exterior,originals went thru center of home am sure,if still in chases might be a wood/pellet/coal what have you install with a bit of careful probing,still though,need to think but my 2 prong approach may net good results as your time/wallet allow,I like a challenge(as long as I overcome it!).

          2. Yea James I just sent an exterior photo to Henry, I’m not sure if it will be posted tonight (if ever) It might be late for them, and maybe it can’t be done not sure. There was a central chimney,but was removed and finished over. I do have one exterior, for the oil furnace, but it is in very poor shape, would have to be redone, it is not in use now. I thought of pellet I hear no need for a conventional chimney, but I guess an stainless(?)
            type (vent type) through the wall is enough for those pellet stoves, not sure. You would know better then me.

  10. Did yall hear that a sovereign Man was murdered to day in Ohio by the soldiers calling themselves police? It is a few stories up

  11. 78 posts, interesting, started off talking about milk, turned into a cluster f**k then into This Old House. 🙂 gotta love it! 🙂 Good Night all. 🙂

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